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 draft-ch-18-pre-backchannel_ctl.txt   draft-ietf-nfsv4-minorversion1-22.txt 
NFSv4 S. Shepler NFSv4 S. Shepler
Internet-Draft M. Eisler Internet-Draft M. Eisler
Intended status: Standards Track D. Noveck Intended status: Standards Track D. Noveck
Expires: October 19, 2008 Editors Expires: November 1, 2008 Editors
April 17, 2008 April 30, 2008
NFS Version 4 Minor Version 1 NFS Version 4 Minor Version 1
draft-ietf-nfsv4-minorversion1-22.txt draft-ietf-nfsv4-minorversion1-22.txt
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Abstract Abstract
This Internet-Draft describes NFS version 4 minor version one, This Internet-Draft describes NFS version 4 minor version one,
including features retained from the base protocol and protocol including features retained from the base protocol and protocol
extensions made subsequently. Major extensions introduced in NFS extensions made subsequently. Major extensions introduced in NFS
skipping to change at page 6, line 43 skipping to change at page 6, line 43
12.2.9. Layout Iomode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 12.2.9. Layout Iomode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
12.2.10. Device IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 12.2.10. Device IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
12.3. pNFS Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 12.3. pNFS Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
12.4. pNFS Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 12.4. pNFS Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
12.5. Layout Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 12.5. Layout Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
12.5.1. Guarantees Provided by Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . 272 12.5.1. Guarantees Provided by Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . 272
12.5.2. Getting a Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 12.5.2. Getting a Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
12.5.3. Layout Stateid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 12.5.3. Layout Stateid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
12.5.4. Committing a Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 12.5.4. Committing a Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
12.5.5. Recalling a Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 12.5.5. Recalling a Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
12.5.6. Revoking Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 12.5.6. Revoking Layouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
12.5.7. Metadata Server Write Propagation . . . . . . . . . 286 12.5.7. Metadata Server Write Propagation . . . . . . . . . 287
12.6. pNFS Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 12.6. pNFS Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
12.7. Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 12.7. Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
12.7.1. Recovery from Client Restart . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 12.7.1. Recovery from Client Restart . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
12.7.2. Dealing with Lease Expiration on the Client . . . . 289 12.7.2. Dealing with Lease Expiration on the Client . . . . 290
12.7.3. Dealing with Loss of Layout State on the Metadata 12.7.3. Dealing with Loss of Layout State on the Metadata
Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
12.7.4. Recovery from Metadata Server Restart . . . . . . . 290 12.7.4. Recovery from Metadata Server Restart . . . . . . . 291
12.7.5. Operations During Metadata Server Grace Period . . . 292 12.7.5. Operations During Metadata Server Grace Period . . . 293
12.7.6. Storage Device Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 12.7.6. Storage Device Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
12.8. Metadata and Storage Device Roles . . . . . . . . . . . 293 12.8. Metadata and Storage Device Roles . . . . . . . . . . . 294
12.9. Security Considerations for pNFS . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 12.9. Security Considerations for pNFS . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
13. PNFS: NFSv4.1 File Layout Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 13. PNFS: NFSv4.1 File Layout Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
13.1. Client ID and Session Considerations . . . . . . . . . . 295 13.1. Client ID and Session Considerations . . . . . . . . . . 296
13.1.1. Sessions Considerations for Data Servers . . . . . . 297 13.1.1. Sessions Considerations for Data Servers . . . . . . 298
13.2. File Layout Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 13.2. File Layout Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
13.3. File Layout Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 13.3. File Layout Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
13.4. Interpreting the File Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 13.4. Interpreting the File Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
13.4.1. Determining the Stripe Unit Number . . . . . . . . . 302 13.4.1. Determining the Stripe Unit Number . . . . . . . . . 303
13.4.2. Interpreting the File Layout Using Sparse Packing . 302 13.4.2. Interpreting the File Layout Using Sparse Packing . 303
13.4.3. Interpreting the File Layout Using Dense Packing . . 305 13.4.3. Interpreting the File Layout Using Dense Packing . . 306
13.4.4. Sparse and Dense Stripe Unit Packing . . . . . . . . 307 13.4.4. Sparse and Dense Stripe Unit Packing . . . . . . . . 308
13.5. Data Server Multipathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 13.5. Data Server Multipathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
13.6. Operations Sent to NFSv4.1 Data Servers . . . . . . . . 310 13.6. Operations Sent to NFSv4.1 Data Servers . . . . . . . . 311
13.7. COMMIT Through Metadata Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 13.7. COMMIT Through Metadata Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
13.8. The Layout Iomode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 13.8. The Layout Iomode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
13.9. Metadata and Data Server State Coordination . . . . . . 314 13.9. Metadata and Data Server State Coordination . . . . . . 315
13.9.1. Global Stateid Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 13.9.1. Global Stateid Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
13.9.2. Data Server State Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . 315 13.9.2. Data Server State Propagation . . . . . . . . . . . 316
13.10. Data Server Component File Size . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 13.10. Data Server Component File Size . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
13.11. Layout Revocation and Fencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 13.11. Layout Revocation and Fencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
13.12. Security Considerations for the File Layout Type . . . . 318 13.12. Security Considerations for the File Layout Type . . . . 319
14. Internationalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 14. Internationalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
14.1. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_cs type . . . . . . . 320 14.1. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_cs type . . . . . . . 321
14.2. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_cis type . . . . . . 322 14.2. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_cis type . . . . . . 323
14.3. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_mixed type . . . . . 323 14.3. Stringprep profile for the utf8str_mixed type . . . . . 324
14.4. UTF-8 Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 14.4. UTF-8 Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
14.5. UTF-8 Related Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 14.5. UTF-8 Related Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
15. Error Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 15. Error Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
15.1. Error Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 15.1. Error Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
15.1.1. General Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 15.1.1. General Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
15.1.2. Filehandle Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 15.1.2. Filehandle Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
15.1.3. Compound Structure Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 15.1.3. Compound Structure Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
15.1.4. File System Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 15.1.4. File System Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
15.1.5. State Management Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 15.1.5. State Management Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
15.1.6. Security Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 15.1.6. Security Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
15.1.7. Name Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 15.1.7. Name Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
15.1.8. Locking Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 15.1.8. Locking Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
15.1.9. Reclaim Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 15.1.9. Reclaim Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
15.1.10. pNFS Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 15.1.10. pNFS Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
15.1.11. Session Use Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 15.1.11. Session Use Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
15.1.12. Session Management Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 15.1.12. Session Management Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
15.1.13. Client Management Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 15.1.13. Client Management Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
15.1.14. Delegation Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 15.1.14. Delegation Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
15.1.15. Attribute Handling Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 15.1.15. Attribute Handling Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
15.1.16. Obsoleted Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 15.1.16. Obsoleted Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
15.2. Operations and their valid errors . . . . . . . . . . . 345 15.2. Operations and their valid errors . . . . . . . . . . . 346
15.3. Callback operations and their valid errors . . . . . . . 361 15.3. Callback operations and their valid errors . . . . . . . 362
15.4. Errors and the operations that use them . . . . . . . . 363 15.4. Errors and the operations that use them . . . . . . . . 364
16. NFSv4.1 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 16. NFSv4.1 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
16.1. Procedure 0: NULL - No Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 16.1. Procedure 0: NULL - No Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
16.2. Procedure 1: COMPOUND - Compound Operations . . . . . . 378 16.2. Procedure 1: COMPOUND - Compound Operations . . . . . . 379
17. Operations: REQUIRED, RECOMMENDED, or OPTIONAL . . . . . . . 389 17. Operations: REQUIRED, RECOMMENDED, or OPTIONAL . . . . . . . 390
18. NFSv4.1 Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 18. NFSv4.1 Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
18.1. Operation 3: ACCESS - Check Access Rights . . . . . . . 392 18.1. Operation 3: ACCESS - Check Access Rights . . . . . . . 393
18.2. Operation 4: CLOSE - Close File . . . . . . . . . . . . 398 18.2. Operation 4: CLOSE - Close File . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
18.3. Operation 5: COMMIT - Commit Cached Data . . . . . . . . 399 18.3. Operation 5: COMMIT - Commit Cached Data . . . . . . . . 400
18.4. Operation 6: CREATE - Create a Non-Regular File Object . 402 18.4. Operation 6: CREATE - Create a Non-Regular File Object . 403
18.5. Operation 7: DELEGPURGE - Purge Delegations Awaiting 18.5. Operation 7: DELEGPURGE - Purge Delegations Awaiting
Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
18.6. Operation 8: DELEGRETURN - Return Delegation . . . . . . 406 18.6. Operation 8: DELEGRETURN - Return Delegation . . . . . . 407
18.7. Operation 9: GETATTR - Get Attributes . . . . . . . . . 406 18.7. Operation 9: GETATTR - Get Attributes . . . . . . . . . 407
18.8. Operation 10: GETFH - Get Current Filehandle . . . . . . 408 18.8. Operation 10: GETFH - Get Current Filehandle . . . . . . 409
18.9. Operation 11: LINK - Create Link to a File . . . . . . . 409 18.9. Operation 11: LINK - Create Link to a File . . . . . . . 410
18.10. Operation 12: LOCK - Create Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 18.10. Operation 12: LOCK - Create Lock . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
18.11. Operation 13: LOCKT - Test For Lock . . . . . . . . . . 416 18.11. Operation 13: LOCKT - Test For Lock . . . . . . . . . . 417
18.12. Operation 14: LOCKU - Unlock File . . . . . . . . . . . 417 18.12. Operation 14: LOCKU - Unlock File . . . . . . . . . . . 418
18.13. Operation 15: LOOKUP - Lookup Filename . . . . . . . . . 419 18.13. Operation 15: LOOKUP - Lookup Filename . . . . . . . . . 420
18.14. Operation 16: LOOKUPP - Lookup Parent Directory . . . . 420 18.14. Operation 16: LOOKUPP - Lookup Parent Directory . . . . 421
18.15. Operation 17: NVERIFY - Verify Difference in 18.15. Operation 17: NVERIFY - Verify Difference in
Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
18.16. Operation 18: OPEN - Open a Regular File . . . . . . . . 423 18.16. Operation 18: OPEN - Open a Regular File . . . . . . . . 424
18.17. Operation 19: OPENATTR - Open Named Attribute 18.17. Operation 19: OPENATTR - Open Named Attribute
Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
18.18. Operation 21: OPEN_DOWNGRADE - Reduce Open File Access . 443 18.18. Operation 21: OPEN_DOWNGRADE - Reduce Open File Access . 444
18.19. Operation 22: PUTFH - Set Current Filehandle . . . . . . 445 18.19. Operation 22: PUTFH - Set Current Filehandle . . . . . . 446
18.20. Operation 23: PUTPUBFH - Set Public Filehandle . . . . . 445 18.20. Operation 23: PUTPUBFH - Set Public Filehandle . . . . . 446
18.21. Operation 24: PUTROOTFH - Set Root Filehandle . . . . . 447 18.21. Operation 24: PUTROOTFH - Set Root Filehandle . . . . . 448
18.22. Operation 25: READ - Read from File . . . . . . . . . . 448 18.22. Operation 25: READ - Read from File . . . . . . . . . . 449
18.23. Operation 26: READDIR - Read Directory . . . . . . . . . 450 18.23. Operation 26: READDIR - Read Directory . . . . . . . . . 451
18.24. Operation 27: READLINK - Read Symbolic Link . . . . . . 454 18.24. Operation 27: READLINK - Read Symbolic Link . . . . . . 455
18.25. Operation 28: REMOVE - Remove File System Object . . . . 455 18.25. Operation 28: REMOVE - Remove File System Object . . . . 456
18.26. Operation 29: RENAME - Rename Directory Entry . . . . . 457 18.26. Operation 29: RENAME - Rename Directory Entry . . . . . 458
18.27. Operation 31: RESTOREFH - Restore Saved Filehandle . . . 461 18.27. Operation 31: RESTOREFH - Restore Saved Filehandle . . . 462
18.28. Operation 32: SAVEFH - Save Current Filehandle . . . . . 462 18.28. Operation 32: SAVEFH - Save Current Filehandle . . . . . 463
18.29. Operation 33: SECINFO - Obtain Available Security . . . 463 18.29. Operation 33: SECINFO - Obtain Available Security . . . 464
18.30. Operation 34: SETATTR - Set Attributes . . . . . . . . . 467 18.30. Operation 34: SETATTR - Set Attributes . . . . . . . . . 468
18.31. Operation 37: VERIFY - Verify Same Attributes . . . . . 470 18.31. Operation 37: VERIFY - Verify Same Attributes . . . . . 471
18.32. Operation 38: WRITE - Write to File . . . . . . . . . . 471 18.32. Operation 38: WRITE - Write to File . . . . . . . . . . 472
18.33. Operation 40: BACKCHANNEL_CTL - Backchannel control . . 475 18.33. Operation 40: BACKCHANNEL_CTL - Backchannel control . . 476
18.34. Operation 41: BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION . . . . . . . . . . . 477 18.34. Operation 41: BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION . . . . . . . . . . . 478
18.35. Operation 42: EXCHANGE_ID - Instantiate Client ID . . . 479 18.35. Operation 42: EXCHANGE_ID - Instantiate Client ID . . . 481
18.36. Operation 43: CREATE_SESSION - Create New Session and 18.36. Operation 43: CREATE_SESSION - Create New Session and
Confirm Client ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 Confirm Client ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
18.37. Operation 44: DESTROY_SESSION - Destroy existing 18.37. Operation 44: DESTROY_SESSION - Destroy existing
session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505 session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
18.38. Operation 45: FREE_STATEID - Free stateid with no 18.38. Operation 45: FREE_STATEID - Free stateid with no
locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507 locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
18.39. Operation 46: GET_DIR_DELEGATION - Get a directory 18.39. Operation 46: GET_DIR_DELEGATION - Get a directory
delegation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508 delegation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
18.40. Operation 47: GETDEVICEINFO - Get Device Information . . 512 18.40. Operation 47: GETDEVICEINFO - Get Device Information . . 514
18.41. Operation 48: GETDEVICELIST - Get All Device Mappings 18.41. Operation 48: GETDEVICELIST - Get All Device Mappings
for a File System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 for a File System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
18.42. Operation 49: LAYOUTCOMMIT - Commit writes made using 18.42. Operation 49: LAYOUTCOMMIT - Commit writes made using
a layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516 a layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
18.43. Operation 50: LAYOUTGET - Get Layout Information . . . . 519 18.43. Operation 50: LAYOUTGET - Get Layout Information . . . . 521
18.44. Operation 51: LAYOUTRETURN - Release Layout 18.44. Operation 51: LAYOUTRETURN - Release Layout
Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
18.45. Operation 52: SECINFO_NO_NAME - Get Security on 18.45. Operation 52: SECINFO_NO_NAME - Get Security on
Unnamed Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528 Unnamed Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
18.46. Operation 53: SEQUENCE - Supply per-procedure 18.46. Operation 53: SEQUENCE - Supply per-procedure
sequencing and control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 sequencing and control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
18.47. Operation 54: SET_SSV - Update SSV for a Client ID . . . 535 18.47. Operation 54: SET_SSV - Update SSV for a Client ID . . . 537
18.48. Operation 55: TEST_STATEID - Test stateids for 18.48. Operation 55: TEST_STATEID - Test stateids for
validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
18.49. Operation 56: WANT_DELEGATION - Request Delegation . . . 539 18.49. Operation 56: WANT_DELEGATION - Request Delegation . . . 541
18.50. Operation 57: DESTROY_CLIENTID - Destroy existing 18.50. Operation 57: DESTROY_CLIENTID - Destroy existing
client ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 client ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
18.51. Operation 58: RECLAIM_COMPLETE - Indicates Reclaims 18.51. Operation 58: RECLAIM_COMPLETE - Indicates Reclaims
Finished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Finished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
18.52. Operation 10044: ILLEGAL - Illegal operation . . . . . . 545 18.52. Operation 10044: ILLEGAL - Illegal operation . . . . . . 547
19. NFSv4.1 Callback Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 19. NFSv4.1 Callback Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
19.1. Procedure 0: CB_NULL - No Operation . . . . . . . . . . 546 19.1. Procedure 0: CB_NULL - No Operation . . . . . . . . . . 548
19.2. Procedure 1: CB_COMPOUND - Compound Operations . . . . . 546 19.2. Procedure 1: CB_COMPOUND - Compound Operations . . . . . 548
20. NFSv4.1 Callback Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 20. NFSv4.1 Callback Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
20.1. Operation 3: CB_GETATTR - Get Attributes . . . . . . . . 550 20.1. Operation 3: CB_GETATTR - Get Attributes . . . . . . . . 552
20.2. Operation 4: CB_RECALL - Recall an Open Delegation . . . 551 20.2. Operation 4: CB_RECALL - Recall an Open Delegation . . . 553
20.3. Operation 5: CB_LAYOUTRECALL - Recall Layout from 20.3. Operation 5: CB_LAYOUTRECALL - Recall Layout from
Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
20.4. Operation 6: CB_NOTIFY - Notify directory changes . . . 556 20.4. Operation 6: CB_NOTIFY - Notify directory changes . . . 558
20.5. Operation 7: CB_PUSH_DELEG - Offer Delegation to 20.5. Operation 7: CB_PUSH_DELEG - Offer Delegation to
Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560 Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
20.6. Operation 8: CB_RECALL_ANY - Keep any N delegations . . 561 20.6. Operation 8: CB_RECALL_ANY - Keep any N delegations . . 563
20.7. Operation 9: CB_RECALLABLE_OBJ_AVAIL - Signal 20.7. Operation 9: CB_RECALLABLE_OBJ_AVAIL - Signal
Resources for Recallable Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . 563 Resources for Recallable Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
20.8. Operation 10: CB_RECALL_SLOT - change flow control 20.8. Operation 10: CB_RECALL_SLOT - change flow control
limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564 limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
20.9. Operation 11: CB_SEQUENCE - Supply backchannel 20.9. Operation 11: CB_SEQUENCE - Supply backchannel
sequencing and control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565 sequencing and control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
20.10. Operation 12: CB_WANTS_CANCELLED - Cancel Pending 20.10. Operation 12: CB_WANTS_CANCELLED - Cancel Pending
Delegation Wants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567 Delegation Wants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
20.11. Operation 13: CB_NOTIFY_LOCK - Notify of possible 20.11. Operation 13: CB_NOTIFY_LOCK - Notify of possible
lock availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568 lock availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
20.12. Operation 14: CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID - Notify device ID 20.12. Operation 14: CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID - Notify device ID
changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570 changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
20.13. Operation 10044: CB_ILLEGAL - Illegal Callback 20.13. Operation 10044: CB_ILLEGAL - Illegal Callback
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
21. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 21. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
22. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 22. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
22.1. Named Attribute Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 22.1. Named Attribute Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
22.2. ONC RPC Network Identifiers (netids) . . . . . . . . . . 574 22.2. ONC RPC Network Identifiers (netids) . . . . . . . . . . 576
22.3. Defining New Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 22.3. Defining New Notifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
22.4. Defining New Layout Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 22.4. Defining New Layout Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
22.5. Path Variable Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577 22.5. Path Variable Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
22.5.1. Path Variable Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577 22.5.1. Path Variable Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
22.5.2. Path Variable Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577 22.5.2. Path Variable Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
23. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577 23. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
23.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577 23.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
23.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579 23.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
Appendix A. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581 Appendix A. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583 Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . . 584 Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . . 586
1. Introduction 1. Introduction
1.1. The NFS Version 4 Minor Version 1 Protocol 1.1. The NFS Version 4 Minor Version 1 Protocol
The NFS version 4 minor version 1 (NFSv4.1) protocol is the second The NFS version 4 minor version 1 (NFSv4.1) protocol is the second
minor version of the NFS version 4 (NFSv4) protocol. The first minor minor version of the NFS version 4 (NFSv4) protocol. The first minor
version, NFSv4.0 is described in [21]. It generally follows the version, NFSv4.0 is described in [21]. It generally follows the
guidelines for minor versioning model listed in Section 10 of RFC guidelines for minor versioning model listed in Section 10 of RFC
3530. However, it diverges from guidelines 11 ("a client and server 3530. However, it diverges from guidelines 11 ("a client and server
skipping to change at page 285, line 13 skipping to change at page 285, line 13
3. The client sent the LAYOUTGET after processing the 3. The client sent the LAYOUTGET after processing the
CB_LAYOUTRECALL, the server received the CB_LAYOUTRECALL CB_LAYOUTRECALL, the server received the CB_LAYOUTRECALL
response, but the LAYOUTGET arrived before the LAYOUTRETURN that response, but the LAYOUTGET arrived before the LAYOUTRETURN that
completed that processing. The "seqid" in the layout stateid of completed that processing. The "seqid" in the layout stateid of
LAYOUTGET is equal to that of the "seqid" in CB_LAYOUTRECALL. LAYOUTGET is equal to that of the "seqid" in CB_LAYOUTRECALL.
The server has received a response to the CB_LAYOUTRECALL, so it The server has received a response to the CB_LAYOUTRECALL, so it
returns NFS4ERR_RETURNCONFLICT. returns NFS4ERR_RETURNCONFLICT. Wraparound of sequence id Wraparound and Validation of Seqid
The rules for layout stateid processing differ from other stateids in The rules for layout stateid processing differ from other stateids in
the protocol because the "seqid" value can not be zero and the the protocol because the "seqid" value can not be zero and the
stateid's "seqid" value changes in a CB_LAYOUTRECALL operation. The stateid's "seqid" value changes in a CB_LAYOUTRECALL operation. The
non-zero requirement combined with the inherent parallelism of layout non-zero requirement combined with the inherent parallelism of layout
operations means that a set of LAYOUTGET and LAYOUTRETURN operations operations means that a set of LAYOUTGET and LAYOUTRETURN operations
may contain the same value for "seqid" and the value will represent may contain the same value for "seqid". The server uses a slightly
the span of parallelism achieved by the client. To account for this modified version of the modulo arithmetic as described in
parallelism, the server validates that the "seqid" is non-zero. If Section when incrementing the layout stateid's "seqid". The
the server uses a CB_LAYOUTRECALL, then the "seqid" is validated modification to that modulo arithmetic description is to not use
further by applying the rules listed above in Section zero. The modulo arithmetic is also used for the comparisons of
"seqid" values in the processing of CB_LAYOUTRECALL events as
described above in Section
The server uses a slightly modified version of the modulo arithmetic Just as the server validates the "seqid" in the event of
as described in Section when incrementing the layout CB_LAYOUTRECALL usage, as described in Section, the
stateid's "seqid". The modification to that modulo arithmetic server also validates the "seqid" value to ensure that it is within
description is to not use zero. The modulo arithmetic is also used an appropriate range. This range represents the degree of
for the comparisons of "seqid" values in the processing of parallelism the server supports for layout stateids. If the client
CB_LAYOUTRECALL events as described above in Section is sending multiple layout operations to the server in parallel, by
definition, the "seqid" value in the supplied stateid will not be the
current "seqid" as held by the server. The range of parallelism
spans from the highest or current "seqid" to a "seqid" value in the
past. To assist in the discussion, the server's current "seqid"
value for a layout stateid is defined as: SERVER_CURRENT_SEQID. The
lowest "seqid" value that is acceptable to the server is represented
by PAST_SEQID. And the value for the range of valid "seqid"s or
range of parallelism is VALID_SEQID_RANGE. Therefore, the following
following, all arithmetic is the modulo arithmetic as described
The server MUST support a minimum VALID_SEQID_RANGE. The minimum is
defined as: VALID_SEQID_RANGE = summation of 1..N of
(ca_maxoperations(i) - 1) where N is the number of session fore
channels and ca_maxoperations(i) is the value of the ca_maxoperations
returned from CREATE_SESSION of the i'th session. The reason for
minus 1 is to allow for the required SEQUENCE operation. The server
MAY support a VALID_SEQID_RANGE value larger than the minimum. The
maximum VALID_SEQID_RANGE is (2 ^ 32 - 2) (accounts for 0 not being a
valid "seqid" value).
If the server finds the "seqid" is zero, the NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID
error is returned to the client. The server further validates the
"seqid" to ensure it is within the range of parallelism,
VALID_SEQID_RANGE. If the "seqid" value is outside of that range,
the error NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID is returned to the client. Upon
receipt of NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID, the client updates the stateid in the
layout request based on processing of other layout requests and re-
sends the operation to the server. Bulk Recall and Return Bulk Recall and Return
PNFS supports recalling and returning all layouts that are for files PNFS supports recalling and returning all layouts that are for files
belonging to a particular fsid (LAYOUTRECALL4_FSID, belonging to a particular fsid (LAYOUTRECALL4_FSID,
LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL). There are no "bulk" stateids, so detection of LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL). There are no "bulk" stateids, so detection of
races via the seqid is not possible. The server MUST NOT initiate races via the seqid is not possible. The server MUST NOT initiate
bulk recall while another recall is in progress, or the corresponding bulk recall while another recall is in progress, or the corresponding
LAYOUTRETURN is in progress or pending. In the event the server LAYOUTRETURN is in progress or pending. In the event the server
skipping to change at page 345, line 49 skipping to change at page 347, line 6
skipping to change at page 371, line 12 skipping to change at page 372, line 12
skipping to change at page 473, line 5 skipping to change at page 474, line 5
number of bytes written starting at location, offset, is returned. number of bytes written starting at location, offset, is returned.
The server also returns an indication of the level of commitment of The server also returns an indication of the level of commitment of
the data and metadata via committed. Per Table 20, the data and metadata via committed. Per Table 20,
o The server MAY commit the data at a stronger level than requested. o The server MAY commit the data at a stronger level than requested.
o The server MUST commit the data at a level at least as high as o The server MUST commit the data at a level at least as high as
that committed. that committed.
Valid combinations of the stable in the request and committed in the Valid combinations of the fields stable in the request and committed
reply. in the reply.
+------------+-----------------------------------+ +------------+-----------------------------------+
| stable | committed | | stable | committed |
+------------+-----------------------------------+ +------------+-----------------------------------+
+------------+-----------------------------------+ +------------+-----------------------------------+
Table 20 Table 20
skipping to change at page 475, line 8 skipping to change at page 476, line 8
Some implementations may return NFS4ERR_NOSPC instead of Some implementations may return NFS4ERR_NOSPC instead of
NFS4ERR_DQUOT when a user's quota is exceeded. NFS4ERR_DQUOT when a user's quota is exceeded.
In the case that the current filehandle is of type NF4DIR, the server In the case that the current filehandle is of type NF4DIR, the server
will return NFS4ERR_ISDIR. If the current file is a symbolic link, will return NFS4ERR_ISDIR. If the current file is a symbolic link,
the error NFS4ERR_SYMLINK will be returned. Otherwise, if the the error NFS4ERR_SYMLINK will be returned. Otherwise, if the
current filehandle does not designate an ordinary file, the server current filehandle does not designate an ordinary file, the server
will return NFS4ERR_WRONG_TYPE. will return NFS4ERR_WRONG_TYPE.
If mandatory file locking is effect for the file, and the If mandatory file locking is in effect for the file, and the
corresponding byte-range of the data to be written to the file is corresponding byte-range of the data to be written to the file is
read or write locked by an owner that is not associated with the read or write locked by an owner that is not associated with the
stateid, the server MUST return NFS4ERR_LOCKED. If so, the client stateid, the server MUST return NFS4ERR_LOCKED. If so, the client
MUST check if the owner corresponding to the stateid used with the MUST check if the owner corresponding to the stateid used with the
WRITE operation has a conflicting read lock that overlaps with the WRITE operation has a conflicting read lock that overlaps with the
region that was to be written. If the stateid's owner has no region that was to be written. If the stateid's owner has no
conflicting read lock, then the client SHOULD try to get the conflicting read lock, then the client SHOULD try to get the
appropriate write byte-range lock via the LOCK operation before re- appropriate write byte-range lock via the LOCK operation before re-
attempting the WRITE. When the WRITE completes, the client SHOULD attempting the WRITE. When the WRITE completes, the client SHOULD
release the byte-range lock via LOCKU. release the byte-range lock via LOCKU.
skipping to change at page 476, line 42 skipping to change at page 477, line 42
nfsstat4 bcr_status; nfsstat4 bcr_status;
}; };
The BACKCHANNEL_CTL operation replaces the backchannel's callback The BACKCHANNEL_CTL operation replaces the backchannel's callback
program number and adds (not replaces) RPCSEC_GSS contexts for use by program number and adds (not replaces) RPCSEC_GSS contexts for use by
the backchannel. the backchannel.
The arguments of the BACKCHANNEL_CTL call are a subset of the The arguments of the BACKCHANNEL_CTL call are a subset of the
CREATE_SESSION parameters. In the arguments to BACKCHANNEL_CTL, the CREATE_SESSION parameters. In the arguments of BACKCHANNEL_CTL, the
bca_cb_program field and bca_sec_parms fields correspond respectively bca_cb_program field and bca_sec_parms fields correspond respectively
to the csa_cb_program and csa_sec_parms of the arguments to to the csa_cb_program and csa_sec_parms fields of the arguments of
CREATE_SESSION (Section 18.36). CREATE_SESSION (Section 18.36).
BACKCHANNEL_CTL MUST appear in a COMPOUND that starts with SEQUENCE. BACKCHANNEL_CTL MUST appear in a COMPOUND that starts with SEQUENCE.
If the RPCSEC_GSS handle identified by gcbp_handle_from_server does If the RPCSEC_GSS handle identified by gcbp_handle_from_server does
not exist on the server, the server will return NFS4ERR_NOENT. not exist on the server, the server MUST return NFS4ERR_NOENT.
18.34. Operation 41: BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION 18.34. Operation 41: BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION
18.34.1. ARGUMENT 18.34.1. ARGUMENT
enum channel_dir_from_client4 { enum channel_dir_from_client4 {
CDFC4_FORE = 0x1, CDFC4_FORE = 0x1,
CDFC4_BACK = 0x2, CDFC4_BACK = 0x2,
skipping to change at page 478, line 11 skipping to change at page 479, line 11
default: void; default: void;
}; };
BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION is used to associate additional connections with BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION is used to associate additional connections with
a session. It MUST be used on the connection being associated with a session. It MUST be used on the connection being associated with
the session. It MUST be the only operation in the COMPOUND the session. It MUST be the only operation in the COMPOUND
procedure. If SP4_NONE (Section 18.35) state protection is used, any procedure. If SP4_NONE (Section 18.35) state protection is used, any
principal, security flavor, or RPCSEC_GSS context can invoke the principal, security flavor, or RPCSEC_GSS context MAY be used to
operation. If SP4_MACH_CRED is used, RPCSEC_GSS must be used with invoke the operation. If SP4_MACH_CRED is used, RPCSEC_GSS MUST be
the integrity or privacy services, using the principal that created used with the integrity or privacy services, using the principal that
the client ID. If SP4_SSV is used, RPCSEC_GSS with the SSV GSS created the client ID. If SP4_SSV is used, RPCSEC_GSS with the SSV
mechanism (Section 2.10.8) and integrity or privacy MUST be used. GSS mechanism (Section 2.10.8) and integrity or privacy MUST be used.
If when the client ID was created, the client opted for SP4_NONE If, when the client ID was created, the client opted for SP4_NONE
state protection, the client is not required to use state protection, the client is not required to use
BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION to associate the connection with the session, BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION to associate the connection with the session,
unless the client wishes to associate the connection with the unless the client wishes to associate the connection with the
backchannel. When SP4_NONE protection is used, simply sending a backchannel. When SP4_NONE protection is used, simply sending a
COMPOUND with a SEQUENCE operation that is sufficient to associate COMPOUND request with a SEQUENCE operation is sufficient to associate
the connnection with the session specified in SEQUENCE. the connnection with the session specified in SEQUENCE.
The field bctsa_dir indicates whether the client wants to associate The field bctsa_dir indicates whether the client wants to associate
the connection with the fore channel or the backchannel or both the connection with the fore channel or the backchannel or both
channels. The value CDFC4_FORE_OR_BOTH indicates the client wants to channels. The value CDFC4_FORE_OR_BOTH indicates the client wants to
associate with both the fore channel and backchannel, but will accept associate the connection with both the fore channel and backchannel,
the connection being associated to just the fore channel. The value but will accept the connection being associated to just the fore
CDFC4_BACK_OR_BOTH indicates the client wants to associate with both channel. The value CDFC4_BACK_OR_BOTH indicates the client wants to
the fore and backchannel, but will accept the connection being associate with both the fore and backchannel, but will accept the
associated with the backchannel. The server replies in bctsr_dir connection being associated with just the backchannel. The server
which channel(s) the connection is associated with. If the client replies in bctsr_dir which channel(s) the connection is associated
specified CDFC4_FORE, the server MUST return CDFS4_FORE. If the with. If the client specified CDFC4_FORE, the server MUST return
client specified CDFC4_BACK, the server MUST return CDFS4_BACK. If CDFS4_FORE. If the client specified CDFC4_BACK, the server MUST
the client specified CDFC4_FORE_OR_BOTH, the server MUST return return CDFS4_BACK. If the client specified CDFC4_FORE_OR_BOTH, the
CDFS4_FORE or CDFS4_BOTH. If the client specified server MUST return CDFS4_FORE or CDFS4_BOTH. If the client specified
CDFC4_BACK_OR_BOTH, the server MUST return CDFS4_BACK or CDFS4_BOTH. CDFC4_BACK_OR_BOTH, the server MUST return CDFS4_BACK or CDFS4_BOTH.
See the CREATE_SESSION operation (Section 18.36), and the description See the CREATE_SESSION operation (Section 18.36), and the description
of the argument csa_use_conn_in_rdma_mode to understand of the argument csa_use_conn_in_rdma_mode to understand
bctsa_use_conn_in_rdma_mode, and the description of bctsa_use_conn_in_rdma_mode, and the description of
csr_use_conn_in_rdma_mode to understand bctsr_use_conn_in_rdma_mode. csr_use_conn_in_rdma_mode to understand bctsr_use_conn_in_rdma_mode.
Invoking BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION on a connection already associated with Invoking BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION on a connection already associated with
the specified session has no effect, and the server SHOULD respond the specified session has no effect, and the server MUST respond with
with NFS4_OK. NFS4_OK, unless the client is demanding changes to the set of
channels the connection is associated with. If so, the server MUST
If a session's channel loses all connections, the client needs to use If a session's channel loses all connections, depending on the client
BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION to associate a new connection. If the server ID's state protection and type of channel, the client might need to
restarted and does not keep the reply cache in stable storage, the use BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION to associate a new connection. If the
server will not recognize the sessionid. The client will ultimately server restarted and does not keep the reply cache in stable storage,
have to invoke EXCHANGE_ID to create a new client ID and session. the server will not recognize the sessionid. The client will
ultimately have to invoke EXCHANGE_ID to create a new client ID and
Assuming SP4_SSV state protection is being used, there is an issue if Suppose SP4_SSV state protection is being used, and
SET_SSV is sent, no response is returned, and the last connection BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION is among the operations included in the
associated with the client ID disconnects. The client, per the spo_must_enforce set when the client ID was created (Section 18.35).
sessions model, needs to retry the SET_SSV. But it needs a new If so, there is an issue if SET_SSV is sent, no response is returned,
connection to do so, and needs to associate that connection with the and the last connection associated with the client ID drops. The
session via a BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION authenticated with the SSV GSS client, per the sessions model, MUST retry the SET_SSV. But it needs
a new connection to do so, and MUST associate that connection with
the session via a BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION authenticated with the SSV GSS
mechanism. The problem is that the RPCSEC_GSS message integrity mechanism. The problem is that the RPCSEC_GSS message integrity
codes use a subkey derived from the SSV as the key and the SSV may codes use a subkey derived from the SSV as the key and the SSV may
have changed. While there are multiple recovery strategies, a have changed. While there are multiple recovery strategies, a
single, general strategy is described here. First the client single, general strategy is described here.
reconnects. The client assumes the SET_SSV was executed, and so
sends BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION with the subkey derived from new SSV used o The client reconnects.
as key for the message integrity code in the RPCSEC_GSS credential
message integrity codes. If the server returns an RPC authentication o The client assumes the SET_SSV was executed, and so sends
error, this means the server's current SSV was not changed, and the BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION with the subkey derived from new SSV (what
SET_SSV was not executed. The client then tries BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION SET_SSV would have set the SSV to) used as the key for the
with the subkey derived from the old SSV as the key for the RPCSEC_GSS credential message integrity codes.
RPCSEC_GSS message integrity code. This should not return an RPC
authentication error. If it does, an implementation error has o If the request succeeds, this means the original attempted SET_SSV
occurred on either the client or server, and the client has to create did execute successfully. The client re-sends the original
a new client ID. SET_SSV, which the server will reply from via the the reply cache.
o If the server returns an RPC authentication error, this means the
server's current SSV was not changed, (and the SET_SSV was likely
not executed). The client then tries BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION with
the subkey derived from the old SSV as the key for the RPCSEC_GSS
message integrity codes.
o The attempted BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION with the old SSV should
succeed. If so the client re-sends the original SET_SSV. If the
original SET_SSV was not executed, then the server executes it.
If the original SET_SSV was executed, but failed, the server will
return the SET_SSV from the reply cache.
18.35. Operation 42: EXCHANGE_ID - Instantiate Client ID 18.35. Operation 42: EXCHANGE_ID - Instantiate Client ID
Exchange long hand client and server identifiers (owners), and create Exchange long hand client and server identifiers (owners), and create
a client ID a client ID
18.35.1. ARGUMENT 18.35.1. ARGUMENT
const EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER = 0x00000001; const EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER = 0x00000001;
const EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_MIGR = 0x00000002; const EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_MIGR = 0x00000002;
skipping to change at page 482, line 27 skipping to change at page 484, line 27
EXCHANGE_ID sent with a new incarnation of the client will lead to EXCHANGE_ID sent with a new incarnation of the client will lead to
the server removing lock state of the old incarnation. Whereas an the server removing lock state of the old incarnation. Whereas an
EXCHANGE_ID sent with the current incarnation and co_ownerid will EXCHANGE_ID sent with the current incarnation and co_ownerid will
result in an error or an update of the client ID's properties, result in an error or an update of the client ID's properties,
depending on the arguments to EXCHANGE_ID. depending on the arguments to EXCHANGE_ID.
A server MUST NOT use the same client ID for two different A server MUST NOT use the same client ID for two different
incarnations of an eir_clientowner. incarnations of an eir_clientowner.
In addition to the client ID and sequence id, the server returns a In addition to the client ID and sequence id, the server returns a
server owner (eir_server_owner) and eir_server_scope. The former server owner (eir_server_owner) and server scope (eir_server_scope).
field is used for network trunking as described in Section 2.10.4. The former field is used for network trunking as described in
The latter field is used to allow clients to determine when clientids Section 2.10.4. The latter field is used to allow clients to
sent by one server may be recognized by another in the event of file determine when client IDs sent by one server may be recognized by
system migration (see Section 11.7.7). another in the event of file system migration (see Section 11.7.7).
The client ID returned by EXCHANGE_ID is only unique relative to the The client ID returned by EXCHANGE_ID is only unique relative to the
combination of eir_server_owner.so_major_id and eir_server_scope. combination of eir_server_owner.so_major_id and eir_server_scope.
Thus if two servers return the same client ID, the onus is on the Thus if two servers return the same client ID, the onus is on the
client to distinguish the client IDs on the basis of client to distinguish the client IDs on the basis of
eir_server_owner.so_major_id and eir_server_scope. In the event two eir_server_owner.so_major_id and eir_server_scope. In the event two
different server's claim matching server_owner.so_major_id and different server's claim matching server_owner.so_major_id and
eir_server_scope, the client can use the verification techniques eir_server_scope, the client can use the verification techniques
discussed in Section 2.10.4 to determine if the servers are distinct. discussed in Section 2.10.4 to determine if the servers are distinct.
If they are distinct, then the client will need to note the If they are distinct, then the client will need to note the
destination network addresses of the connections used with each destination network addresses of the connections used with each
server, and use network address as the final discriminator. server, and use the network address as the final discriminator.
The server, as defined by the unique identity expressed in the The server, as defined by the unique identity expressed in the
so_major_id of the server owner and the server scope, needs to track so_major_id of the server owner and the server scope, needs to track
several properties of each client ID it hands out. The properties several properties of each client ID it hands out. The properties
apply to the client ID and all sessions associated with the client apply to the client ID and all sessions associated with the client
ID. The properties are derived from the arguments and results of ID. The properties are derived from the arguments and results of
EXCHANGE_ID. The client ID properties include: EXCHANGE_ID. The client ID properties include:
o The capabilities expressed by the following bits, which come from o The capabilities expressed by the following bits, which come from
the results of EXCHANGE_ID: the results of EXCHANGE_ID:
skipping to change at page 484, line 7 skipping to change at page 486, line 7
EXCHANGE_ID arguments. Once the client ID is confirmed, this EXCHANGE_ID arguments. Once the client ID is confirmed, this
property cannot be updated by subsequent EXCHANGE_ID requests. property cannot be updated by subsequent EXCHANGE_ID requests.
* The OID of the encryption algorithm. This property is * The OID of the encryption algorithm. This property is
represented by one of the algorithms in the ssp_encr_algs field represented by one of the algorithms in the ssp_encr_algs field
of the EXCHANGE_ID arguments. Once the client ID is confirmed, of the EXCHANGE_ID arguments. Once the client ID is confirmed,
this property cannot be updated by subsequent EXCHANGE_ID this property cannot be updated by subsequent EXCHANGE_ID
requests. requests.
* The length of the SSV. This property is represented by the * The length of the SSV. This property is represented by the
spi_ssv_len in the EXCHANGE_ID results. Once the client ID is spi_ssv_len field in the EXCHANGE_ID results. Once the client
confirmed, this property cannot be updated by subsequent ID is confirmed, this property cannot be updated by subsequent
EXCHANGE_ID requests. The length of SSV MUST be equal to the EXCHANGE_ID requests. The length of SSV MUST be equal to the
length of the key used by the negotiated encryption algorithm. length of the key used by the negotiated encryption algorithm.
* Number of concurrent versions of the SSV the client and server * Number of concurrent versions of the SSV the client and server
will support (Section 2.10.8). This property is represented by will support (Section 2.10.8). This property is represented by
spi_window, in the EXCHANGE_ID results. The property may be spi_window, in the EXCHANGE_ID results. The property may be
updated by subsequent EXCHANGE_ID requests. updated by subsequent EXCHANGE_ID requests.
o The client's implementation ID as represented by the o The client's implementation ID as represented by the
eia_client_impl_id field of the arguments. The property may be eia_client_impl_id field of the arguments. The property may be
updated by subsequent EXCHANGE_ID requests. updated by subsequent EXCHANGE_ID requests.
o The server's implementation ID as represented by the
eir_server_impl_id field of the reply. The property may be
updated by replies to subsequent EXCHANGE_ID requests.
The eia_flags passed as part of the arguments and the eir_flags The eia_flags passed as part of the arguments and the eir_flags
results allow the client and server to inform each other of their results allow the client and server to inform each other of their
capabilities as well as indicate how the client ID will be used. capabilities as well as indicate how the client ID will be used.
Whether a bit is set or cleared on the arguments' flags does not Whether a bit is set or cleared on the arguments' flags does not
force the server to set or clear the same bit on the results' side. force the server to set or clear the same bit on the results' side.
Bits not defined above should not be set in the eia_flags field. If Bits not defined above cannot be set in the eia_flags field. If they
they are, the server MUST reject the operation with NFS4ERR_INVAL. are, the server MUST reject the operation with NFS4ERR_INVAL.
The EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A bit can only be set in The EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A bit can only be set in
eia_flags; it is always off in eir_flags. The eia_flags; it is always off in eir_flags. The
EXCHGID4_FLAG_CONFIRMED_R bit can only be set in eir_flags; it is EXCHGID4_FLAG_CONFIRMED_R bit can only be set in eir_flags; it is
always off in eia_flags. If the server recognizes the co_ownerid and always off in eia_flags. If the server recognizes the co_ownerid and
co_verifier as mapping to a confirmed client ID, it sets co_verifier as mapping to a confirmed client ID, it sets
EXCHGID4_FLAG_CONFIRMED_R flag allows a client to tell if the client EXCHGID4_FLAG_CONFIRMED_R flag allows a client to tell if the client
ID it is trying to create already exists and is confirmed. ID it is trying to create already exists and is confirmed.
skipping to change at page 485, line 12 skipping to change at page 487, line 16
Section 18.35.4 will apply. Note that if the operation succeeds and Section 18.35.4 will apply. Note that if the operation succeeds and
returns a client ID that is already confirmed, the server MUST set returns a client ID that is already confirmed, the server MUST set
the EXCHGID4_FLAG_CONFIRMED_R bit in eir_flags. the EXCHGID4_FLAG_CONFIRMED_R bit in eir_flags.
If EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A is not set in eia_flags, this If EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A is not set in eia_flags, this
means the client is trying to establish a new client ID; it is means the client is trying to establish a new client ID; it is
attempting to trunk data communication to the server attempting to trunk data communication to the server
(Section 2.10.4); or it is attempting to update properties of an (Section 2.10.4); or it is attempting to update properties of an
unconfirmed client ID. The situations described in Sub-Paragraph 1, unconfirmed client ID. The situations described in Sub-Paragraph 1,
Sub-Paragraph 2, Sub-Paragraph 3, Sub-Paragraph 4, or Sub-Paragraph 5 Sub-Paragraph 2, Sub-Paragraph 3, Sub-Paragraph 4, or Sub-Paragraph 5
of Paragraph 6 in Section 18.35.4) will apply. Note that if the of Paragraph 6 in Section 18.35.4 will apply. Note that if the
operation succeeds and returns a client ID that is already confirmed, operation succeeds and returns a client ID that was previously
the server MUST set the EXCHGID4_FLAG_CONFIRMED_R bit in eir_flags. confirmed, the server MUST set the EXCHGID4_FLAG_CONFIRMED_R bit in
When the EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER flag bit is set, the client When the EXCHGID4_FLAG_SUPP_MOVED_REFER flag bit is set, the client
indicates that it is capable of dealing with an NFS4ERR_MOVED error indicates that it is capable of dealing with an NFS4ERR_MOVED error
as part of a referral sequence. When this bit is not set, it is as part of a referral sequence. When this bit is not set, it is
still legal for the server to perform a referral sequence. However, still legal for the server to perform a referral sequence. However,
a server may use the fact that the client is incapable of correctly a server may use the fact that the client is incapable of correctly
responding to a referral, by avoiding it for that particular client. responding to a referral, by avoiding it for that particular client.
It may, for instance, act as a proxy for that particular file system, It may, for instance, act as a proxy for that particular file system,
at some cost in performance, although it is not obligated to do so. at some cost in performance, although it is not obligated to do so.
If the server will potentially perform a referral, it MUST set If the server will potentially perform a referral, it MUST set
skipping to change at page 487, line 41 skipping to change at page 489, line 47
operations the server will require SP4_MACH_CRED or SP4_SSV operations the server will require SP4_MACH_CRED or SP4_SSV
protection for. Normally the server's result equals the client's protection for. Normally the server's result equals the client's
argument, but the result MAY be different. If the client requests argument, but the result MAY be different. If the client requests
one or more operations in the set { EXCHANGE_ID, CREATE_SESSION, one or more operations in the set { EXCHANGE_ID, CREATE_SESSION,
}, then the result spo_must_enforce MUST include the operations the }, then the result spo_must_enforce MUST include the operations the
client requested from that set. client requested from that set.
If spo_must_enforce in the results has BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION set, then If spo_must_enforce in the results has BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION set, then
connection binding enforcement is enabled, and the client MUST use connection binding enforcement is enabled, and the client MUST use
the machine or SSV credential on calls to BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION. the machine (if SP4_MACH_CRED protection is used) or SSV (if SP4_SSV
protection is used) credential on calls to BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION.
The second list is spo_must_allow and consists of those operations The second list is spo_must_allow and consists of those operations
the client wants to have the option of issuing with the machine the client wants to have the option of issuing with the machine
credential or the SSV-based credential, even if the object the credential or the SSV-based credential, even if the object the
operations are performed on is not owned by the machine or SSV operations are performed on is not owned by the machine or SSV
credential. credential.
The corresponding result, also called spo_must_allow, consists of the The corresponding result, also called spo_must_allow, consists of the
operations the server will allow the client to use SP4_SSV or operations the server will allow the client to use SP4_SSV or
SP4_MACH_CRED credentials with. Normally the server's result equals SP4_MACH_CRED credentials with. Normally the server's result equals
skipping to change at page 488, line 49 skipping to change at page 491, line 8
algorithm for a server is id-aes256-CBC. The RECOMMENDED algorithm for a server is id-aes256-CBC. The RECOMMENDED
algorithms are id-aes192-CBC and id-aes128-CBC [19]. The selected algorithms are id-aes192-CBC and id-aes128-CBC [19]. The selected
algorithm is returned in spi_encr_alg, an index into algorithm is returned in spi_encr_alg, an index into
ssp_encr_algs. If the server does not support any of the offered ssp_encr_algs. If the server does not support any of the offered
algorithms, it returns NFS4ERR_ENCR_ALG_UNSUPP. If ssp_encr_algs algorithms, it returns NFS4ERR_ENCR_ALG_UNSUPP. If ssp_encr_algs
is empty, the server MUST return NFS4ERR_INVAL. is empty, the server MUST return NFS4ERR_INVAL.
ssp_window: ssp_window:
This is the number of SSV versions the client wants the server to This is the number of SSV versions the client wants the server to
maintain (i.e. each call to SET_SSV produces a new version of the maintain (i.e. each successful call to SET_SSV produces a new
SSV). If ssp_window is zero, the server MUST return version of the SSV). If ssp_window is zero, the server MUST
NFS4ERR_INVAL. The server responds with spi_window, which MUST return NFS4ERR_INVAL. The server responds with spi_window, which
NOT exceed ssp_window, and MUST be at least one (1). Any requests MUST NOT exceed ssp_window, and MUST be at least one (1). Any
on the backchannel or forechannel that are using a version of the requests on the backchannel or fore channel that are using a
SSV that is outside the window will fail with an ONC RPC version of the SSV that is outside the window will fail with an
authentication error, and the requester will have to retry them ONC RPC authentication error, and the requester will have to retry
with the same slot id and sequence id. them with the same slot id and sequence id.
ssp_num_gss_handles: ssp_num_gss_handles:
This is the number of RPCSEC_GSS handles the server should create This is the number of RPCSEC_GSS handles the server should create
that are based on the GSS SSV mechanism (Section 2.10.8). It is that are based on the GSS SSV mechanism (Section 2.10.8). It is
not the total number of RPCSEC_GSS handles for the client ID. not the total number of RPCSEC_GSS handles for the client ID.
Indeed, subsequent calls to EXCHANGE_ID will add RPCSEC_GSS Indeed, subsequent calls to EXCHANGE_ID will add RPCSEC_GSS
handles. The server responds with a list of handles in handles. The server responds with a list of handles in
spi_handles. If the client asks for at least one handle and the spi_handles. If the client asks for at least one handle and the
server cannot create it, the server MUST return an error. The server cannot create it, the server MUST return an error. The
skipping to change at page 493, line 34 skipping to change at page 495, line 41
returns NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE to indicate the client should retry returns NFS4ERR_CLID_INUSE to indicate the client should retry
with a different value for the eia_clientowner.co_ownerid with a different value for the eia_clientowner.co_ownerid
subfield of EXCHANGE_ID4args. The client record is not subfield of EXCHANGE_ID4args. The client record is not
changed. changed.
4. Replacement of Unconfirmed Record 4. Replacement of Unconfirmed Record
If the EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A flag is not set, and If the EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A flag is not set, and
the server has the following unconfirmed record then the the server has the following unconfirmed record then the
client is attempting EXCHANGE_ID again on an unconfirmed client is attempting EXCHANGE_ID again on an unconfirmed
client ID, perhaps do to a retry, or perhaps due to a client client ID, perhaps due to a retry, or perhaps due to a client
restart before client ID confirmation (i.e. before restart before client ID confirmation (i.e. before
CREATE_SESSION was called), or some other reason. CREATE_SESSION was called), or some other reason.
{ ownerid_arg, *, *, old_clientid_ret, unconfirmed } { ownerid_arg, *, *, old_clientid_ret, unconfirmed }
It is possible the properties of old_clientid_ret are It is possible the properties of old_clientid_ret are
different than those specified in the current EXCHANGE_ID. different than those specified in the current EXCHANGE_ID.
Whether the properties are being updated or not, to eliminate Whether the properties are being updated or not, to eliminate
ambiguity, the server deletes the unconfirmed record, ambiguity, the server deletes the unconfirmed record,
generates a new client ID (clientid_ret) and establishes the generates a new client ID (clientid_ret) and establishes the
skipping to change at page 494, line 28 skipping to change at page 496, line 33
to wait for the lease time on the previous incarnation to to wait for the lease time on the previous incarnation to
expire. Furthermore, session state should be removed since if expire. Furthermore, session state should be removed since if
the client had maintained that information across restart, the client had maintained that information across restart,
this request would not have been sent. If the server does not this request would not have been sent. If the server does not
support the CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV claim type, associated support the CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV claim type, associated
delegations should be purged as well; otherwise, delegations delegations should be purged as well; otherwise, delegations
are retained and recovery proceeds according to are retained and recovery proceeds according to
Section 10.2.1. Section 10.2.1.
After processing, clientid_ret is returned to the client and After processing, clientid_ret is returned to the client and
the client record is replaced with: this client record is added:
{ ownerid_arg, verifier_arg, principal_arg, clientid_ret, { ownerid_arg, verifier_arg, principal_arg, clientid_ret,
unconfirmed } unconfirmed }
The previously described confirmed record continues to exist,
and thus the same ownerid_arg exists in both a confirmed and
unconfirmed state at the same time. The number of states can
collapse to one once the server receives an applicable
+ If the server subsequently receives a successful
CREATE_SESSION that confirms clientid_ret, then the server
atomically destroys the confirmed record and makes the
unconfirmed record confirmed as described in
Section 18.36.4.
+ If the server instead subsequently receives an EXCHANGE_ID
with the client owner equal to ownerid_arg, one strategy is
to simply delete the unconfirmed record, and process the
EXCHANGE_ID as described in the entirety of
Section 18.35.4.
6. Update 6. Update
If EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A is set, and the server If EXCHGID4_FLAG_UPD_CONFIRMED_REC_A is set, and the server
has the following confirmed record, then this request is an has the following confirmed record, then this request is an
attempt at an update. attempt at an update.
{ ownerid_arg, verifier_arg, principal_arg, clientid_ret, { ownerid_arg, verifier_arg, principal_arg, clientid_ret,
confirmed } confirmed }
Since the record has been confirmed, the client must have Since the record has been confirmed, the client must have
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returns the parameter values for the new session. returns the parameter values for the new session.
o The connection CREATE_SESSION is sent over is associated with the o The connection CREATE_SESSION is sent over is associated with the
session's fore channel. session's fore channel.
The arguments and results of CREATE_SESSION are described as follows: The arguments and results of CREATE_SESSION are described as follows:
csa_clientid: csa_clientid:
This is the client ID the new session will be associated with. This is the client ID the new session will be associated with.
The corresponding result is csr_sessionid, sessionid of the new The corresponding result is csr_sessionid, the sessionid of the
session. new session.
csa_sequence: csa_sequence:
Each client ID serializes CREATE_SESSION via a per client ID Each client ID serializes CREATE_SESSION via a per client ID
sequence number. See Section 18.36.4. The corresponding result sequence number (see Section 18.36.4). The corresponding result
is csr_sequence, which MUST be equal to csa_sequence. is csr_sequence, which MUST be equal to csa_sequence.
In the next three arguments, the client offers a value that is to be In the next three arguments, the client offers a value that is to be
a property of the session. It is RECOMMENDED that the server accept a property of the session. It is RECOMMENDED that the server accept
the value. If it is not acceptable, the server MAY use a different the value. If it is not acceptable, the server MAY use a different
value. Regardless, the server MUST return the value the session will value. Regardless, the server MUST return the value the session will
uses (which will be either what the client offered, or what the use (which will be either what the client offered, or what the server
server is insisting on). return the value used to the client. These is insisting on). return the value used to the client. These
parameters have the following interpretation. parameters have the following interpretation.
csa_flags: csa_flags:
The csa_flags field contains a list of the following flag bits: The csa_flags field contains a list of the following flag bits:
If CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_PERSIST is set, the client wants the If CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_PERSIST is set, the client wants the
server to provide a persistent reply cache. For sessions in server to provide a persistent reply cache. For sessions in
skipping to change at page 499, line 9 skipping to change at page 501, line 9
CREATE_SESSION is called over for the backchannel as well as CREATE_SESSION is called over for the backchannel as well as
the fore channel. The server sets the fore channel. The server sets
csr_flags if it agrees. If CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_BACK_CHAN csr_flags if it agrees. If CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_BACK_CHAN
is not set in csa_flags, then is not set in csa_flags, then
csr_flags. csr_flags.
If CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_RDMA is set in csa_flags, the If CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_RDMA is set in csa_flags, and if
connection CREATE_SESSION is called over is currently in non- the connection CREATE_SESSION is called over is currently in
RDMA mode, but has the capability to operate in RDMA mode, then non-RDMA mode, but has the capability to operate in RDMA mode,
client is requesting the server agree to "step up" to RDMA mode then client is requesting the server agree to "step up" to RDMA
on the connection. The server sets mode on the connection. The server sets
CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_RDMA in the result field csr_flags if CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_RDMA in the result field csr_flags if
it agrees. If CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_RDMA is not set in it agrees. If CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_RDMA is not set in
in csr_flags. Note that once the server agrees to step up, it in csr_flags. Note that once the server agrees to step up, it
and the client MUST exchange all future traffic on the and the client MUST exchange all future traffic on the
connection with RPC RDMA framing and not Record Marking ([8]). connection with RPC RDMA framing and not Record Marking ([8]).
csa_fore_chan_attrs: csa_fore_chan_attrs, csa_fore_chan_attrs:
The csa_fore_char_attrs and csa_back_chan_attrs fields apply to The csa_fore_chan_attrs and csa_back_chan_attrs fields apply to
attributes of the fore channel (which conveys requests originating attributes of the fore channel (which conveys requests originating
from the client to the server), and the backchannel (the channel from the client to the server), and the backchannel (the channel
that conveys callback requests originating from the server to the that conveys callback requests originating from the server to the
client), respectively. The results are in corresponding client), respectively. The results are in corresponding
structures called csr_fore_chan_attrs and csr_back_chan_attrs. structures called csr_fore_chan_attrs and csr_back_chan_attrs.
The results establish attributes for each channel, and on all The results establish attributes for each channel, and on all
subsequent use of each channel of the session. Each structure has subsequent use of each channel of the session. Each structure has
the following fields: the following fields:
ca_headerpadsize: ca_headerpadsize:
skipping to change at page 500, line 12 skipping to change at page 502, line 10
TCP/IP connection, and that it has a single Record Marking TCP/IP connection, and that it has a single Record Marking
header preceding it. The maximum allowable count encoded in header preceding it. The maximum allowable count encoded in
the header will be ca_maxrequestsize. If a requester sends a the header will be ca_maxrequestsize. If a requester sends a
request that exceeds ca_maxrequestsize, the error request that exceeds ca_maxrequestsize, the error
NFS4ERR_REQ_TOO_BIG will be returned per the description in NFS4ERR_REQ_TOO_BIG will be returned per the description in
Section Section
ca_maxresponsesize: ca_maxresponsesize:
The maximum size of a COMPOUND or CB_COMPOUND reply that the The maximum size of a COMPOUND or CB_COMPOUND reply that the
replier will accept from the requester including RPC headers requester will accept from the replier including RPC headers
(see the ca_maxrequestsize definition). The NFSv4.1 server (see the ca_maxrequestsize definition). The NFSv4.1 server
MUST NOT increase the value of this parameter in the MUST NOT increase the value of this parameter in the
CREATE_SESSION results. However, if the client selects a value CREATE_SESSION results. However, if the client selects a value
for ca_maxresponsesize such that a replier on a channel could for ca_maxresponsesize such that a replier on a channel could
never send a response, the server SHOULD return never send a response, the server SHOULD return
NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL to in the CREATE_SESSION reply. If a NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL in the CREATE_SESSION reply. If a requester
requester sends a request for which the size of the reply would sends a request for which the size of the reply would exceed
exceed this value, the replier will return NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG, this value, the replier will return NFS4ERR_REP_TOO_BIG, per
per the description in Section the description in Section
ca_maxresponsesize_cached: ca_maxresponsesize_cached:
Like ca_maxresponsesize, but the maximum size of a reply that Like ca_maxresponsesize, but the maximum size of a reply that
will be stored in the reply cache (Section If the will be stored in the reply cache (Section If the
reply to CREATE_SESSION has ca_maxresponsesize_cached less than reply to CREATE_SESSION has ca_maxresponsesize_cached less than
ca_maxresponsesize, then this is an indication to the requester ca_maxresponsesize, then this is an indication to the requester
on the channel that it needs to be selective about which on the channel that it needs to be selective about which
replies it directs the replier to cache; for example large replies it directs the replier to cache; for example large
replies from nonidempotent operations (e.g. COMPOUND requests replies from nonidempotent operations (e.g. COMPOUND requests
skipping to change at page 501, line 51 skipping to change at page 503, line 49
There is no corresponding result. There is no corresponding result.
The RPCSEC_GSS context for the backchannel is specified via a pair The RPCSEC_GSS context for the backchannel is specified via a pair
of values of data type gsshandle4_t. The data type gsshandle4_t of values of data type gsshandle4_t. The data type gsshandle4_t
represents an RPCSEC_GSS handle, and is precisely the same as the represents an RPCSEC_GSS handle, and is precisely the same as the
data type of the "handle" field of the rpc_gss_init_res data type data type of the "handle" field of the rpc_gss_init_res data type
defined in Section, "Context Creation Response - defined in Section, "Context Creation Response -
Successful Acceptance" of [4]. Successful Acceptance" of [4].
The first RPCSEC_GSS handle, gcbp_handle_from_server, is the fore The first RPCSEC_GSS handle, gcbp_handle_from_server, is the fore
handle the server returned to the client (in the handle field of handle the server returned to the client (either in the handle
data type rpc_gss_init_res) when the RPCSEC_GSS context was field of data type rpc_gss_init_res or one of the elements of the
created on the server. The second handle, spi_handles field returned in the reply to EXCHANGE_ID) when the
RPCSEC_GSS context was created on the server. The second handle,
gcbp_handle_from_client, is the back handle the client will map gcbp_handle_from_client, is the back handle the client will map
the RPCSEC_GSS context to. The server can immediately use the the RPCSEC_GSS context to. The server can immediately use the
value of gcbp_handle_from_client in the RPCSEC_GSS credential in value of gcbp_handle_from_client in the RPCSEC_GSS credential in
callback RPCs. I.e., the value in gcbp_handle_from_client can be callback RPCs. I.e., the value in gcbp_handle_from_client can be
used as the value of the field "handle" in data type used as the value of the field "handle" in data type
rpc_gss_cred_t (see Section 5, "Elements of the RPCSEC_GSS rpc_gss_cred_t (see Section 5, "Elements of the RPCSEC_GSS
Security Protocol" of [4]) in callback RPCs. The server must use Security Protocol" of [4]) in callback RPCs. The server MUST use
the RPCSEC_GSS security service specified in gcbp_service, i.e. it the RPCSEC_GSS security service specified in gcbp_service, i.e. it
must set the "service" field of the rpc_gss_cred_t data type in MUST set the "service" field of the rpc_gss_cred_t data type in
RPCSEC_GSS credential to the value of gcbp_service (see Section RPCSEC_GSS credential to the value of gcbp_service (see Section
5.3.1, "RPC Request Header", of [4]). 5.3.1, "RPC Request Header", of [4]).
If the RPCSEC_GSS handle identified by gcbp_handle_from_server If the RPCSEC_GSS handle identified by gcbp_handle_from_server
does not exist on the server, the server will return does not exist on the server, the server will return
Note that while the GSS context state is shared between the fore Note that while the GSS context state is shared between the fore
and back RPCSEC_GSS contexts, the fore and back RPCSEC_GSS context and back RPCSEC_GSS contexts, the fore and back RPCSEC_GSS context
state are independent of each other as far as the RPCSEC_GSS state are independent of each other as far as the RPCSEC_GSS
skipping to change at page 503, line 13 skipping to change at page 505, line 13
CREATE_SESSION requests for a given client ID. CREATE_SESSION requests for a given client ID.
o Second, the size of the client ID reply cache is of one slot (and o Second, the size of the client ID reply cache is of one slot (and
as a result, the CREATE_SESSION request does not carry a slot as a result, the CREATE_SESSION request does not carry a slot
number). This means that at most one CREATE_SESSION request for a number). This means that at most one CREATE_SESSION request for a
given client ID can be outstanding. given client ID can be outstanding.
When a client sends a successful EXCHANGE_ID and it is returned an When a client sends a successful EXCHANGE_ID and it is returned an
unconfirmed client ID, the client is also returned eir_sequenceid, unconfirmed client ID, the client is also returned eir_sequenceid,
and the client is expected to set the value of csa_sequenceid in the and the client is expected to set the value of csa_sequenceid in the
client ID confirming CREATE_SESSION it sends with that client ID to client ID-confirming-CREATE_SESSION it sends with that client ID to
the value of eir_sequenceid. After EXCHANGE_ID, the server the value of eir_sequenceid. When EXCHANGE_ID returns a new,
initializes the client ID slot to be equal to eir_sequenceid - 1 unconfirmed client ID, the server initializes the client ID slot to
(accounting for underflow), and records a contrived CREATE_SESSION be equal to eir_sequenceid - 1 (accounting for underflow), and
result with a "cached" result of NFS4ERR_SEQ_MISORDERED. With the records a contrived CREATE_SESSION result with a "cached" result of
slot thus initialized, the processing of the CREATE_SESSION operation NFS4ERR_SEQ_MISORDERED. With the slot thus initialized, the
is divided into four phases: processing of the CREATE_SESSION operation is divided into four
1. Client record lookup. The server looks up the client ID in its 1. Client record lookup. The server looks up the client ID in its
client record table. If the server contains no records with client record table. If the server contains no records with
client ID equal to clientid_arg, then most likely the client's client ID equal to clientid_arg, then most likely the client's
state has been purged during a period of inactivity, possibly due state has been purged during a period of inactivity, possibly due
to a loss of connectivity. NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID is returned, to a loss of connectivity. NFS4ERR_STALE_CLIENTID is returned,
and no changes are made to any client records on the server. and no changes are made to any client records on the server.
Otherwise, the server goes to phase 2. Otherwise, the server goes to phase 2.
2. Sequence id processing. If csa_sequenceid is equal to the 2. Sequence id processing. If csa_sequenceid is equal to the
skipping to change at page 504, line 7 skipping to change at page 506, line 7
client ID. Otherwise the client ID confirmation phase is skipped client ID. Otherwise the client ID confirmation phase is skipped
and only the session creation phase occurs. Any case in which and only the session creation phase occurs. Any case in which
there is more than one record with identical values for client ID there is more than one record with identical values for client ID
represents a server implementation error. Operation in the represents a server implementation error. Operation in the
potential valid cases is summarized as follows. potential valid cases is summarized as follows.
* Successful Confirmation * Successful Confirmation
If the server has the following unconfirmed record, then If the server has the following unconfirmed record, then
this is the expected confirmation of an unconfirmed record. this is the expected confirmation of an unconfirmed record.
{ *, *, principal_arg, clientid_arg, unconfirmed } { ownerid, verifier, principal_arg, clientid_arg,
unconfirmed }
The record is replaced with: As noted in Section 18.35.4, the server might also have the
following confirmed record.
{ *, *, principal_arg, clientid_arg, confirmed } { ownerid, old_verifier, principal_arg, old_clientid,
confirmed }
The processing of the operation continues to session The server schedules the replacement of both records are
creation. atomically replaced with:
{ ownerid, verifier, principal_arg, clientid_arg, confirmed
The processing of CREATE_SESSION continues on to session
creation. Once the session is successfully created, the
scheduled client record replacement is committed. If the
session is not successfully created, then no changes are
made to any client records on the server.
* Unsuccessful Confirmation * Unsuccessful Confirmation
If the server has the following record, then the client has If the server has the following record, then the client has
changed principals after the previous EXCHANGE_ID request, changed principals after the previous EXCHANGE_ID request,
or there has been a chance collision between shorthand or there has been a chance collision between shorthand
client identifiers. client identifiers.
{ *, *, old_principal_arg, clientid_arg, * } { *, *, old_principal_arg, clientid_arg, * }
skipping to change at page 504, line 37 skipping to change at page 506, line 49
changes are made to any client records on the server. changes are made to any client records on the server.
4. Session creation. The server confirmed the client ID, either in 4. Session creation. The server confirmed the client ID, either in
this CREATE_SESSION operation, or a previous CREATE_SESSION this CREATE_SESSION operation, or a previous CREATE_SESSION
operation. The server examines the remaining fields of the operation. The server examines the remaining fields of the
arguments. arguments.
5. The server creates the session by recording the parameter values 5. The server creates the session by recording the parameter values
used (including whether the CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_PERSIST flag is used (including whether the CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_PERSIST flag is
set and has been accepted by the server) and allocating space for set and has been accepted by the server) and allocating space for
the session reply cache. For each slot in the reply cache, the the session reply cache (if there is not enough space, the server
returns NFS4ERR_NOSPC). For each slot in the reply cache, the
server sets the sequence id to zero (0), and records an entry server sets the sequence id to zero (0), and records an entry
containing a COMPOUND reply with a zero operations and the error containing a COMPOUND reply with zero operations and the error
of NFS4ERR_SEQ_MISORDERED. This way, if the first SEQUENCE NFS4ERR_SEQ_MISORDERED. This way, if the first SEQUENCE request
request sent has a sequenceid equal to zero, the server can sent has a sequence id equal to zero, the server can simply
simply return what is in the reply cache: NFS4ERR_SEQ_MISORDERED. return what is in the reply cache: NFS4ERR_SEQ_MISORDERED. The
The client initializes its reply cache for receiving callbacks in client initializes its reply cache for receiving callbacks in the
the same way, and similarly, the first CB_SEQUENCE operation on a same way, and similarly, the first CB_SEQUENCE operation on a
slot after session creation must have a sequence id of one. slot after session creation must have a sequence id of one.
6. If the session state is created successfully, the server 6. If the session state is created successfully, the server
associates the session with the client ID provided by the client. associates the session with the client ID provided by the client.
7. When a request that had CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_RDMA set needs 7. When a request that had CREATE_SESSION4_FLAG_CONN_RDMA set needs
to be retried, the retry MUST be done on a new connection that is to be retried, the retry MUST be done on a new connection that is
in non-RDMA mode. If properties of the new connection are in non-RDMA mode. If properties of the new connection are
different enough that the arguments to CREATE_SESSION must different enough that the arguments to CREATE_SESSION must
change, then a non-retry MUST be sent. The server will change, then a non-retry MUST be sent. The server will
eventually dispose of any session that was created. eventually dispose of any session that was created on the
original connection.
On the backchannel, the client and server might wish to have many On the backchannel, the client and server might wish to have many
slots, in some cases perhaps more that the fore channel in to deal slots, in some cases perhaps more that the fore channel, in to deal
with the situations where the network link has high latency and is with the situations where the network link has high latency and is
the primary bottleneck for response to recalls. If so, and if the the primary bottleneck for response to recalls. If so, and if the
client provides too few slots to the backchannel, the server might client provides too few slots to the backchannel, the server might
limit the number of recallable objects it gives to the server. limit the number of recallable objects it gives to the server.
Implementing RPCSEC_GSS callback support requires the client and Implementing RPCSEC_GSS callback support requires the client and
server change their RPCSEC_GSS implementations. One possible set of server change their RPCSEC_GSS implementations. One possible set of
changes includes: changes includes:
o Adding a data structure that wraps the GSS-API context with a o Adding a data structure that wraps the GSS-API context with a
skipping to change at page 505, line 44 skipping to change at page 508, line 10
be incremented. be incremented.
o Adding a function to create a new RPCSEC_GSS handle from a pointer o Adding a function to create a new RPCSEC_GSS handle from a pointer
to the wrapper data structure. The reference count would be to the wrapper data structure. The reference count would be
incremented. incremented.
o Replacing calls from RPCSEC_GSS that free GSS-API contexts, with o Replacing calls from RPCSEC_GSS that free GSS-API contexts, with
calls to decrement the reference count on the wrapper data calls to decrement the reference count on the wrapper data
structure. structure.
If the server cannot reserve space for the reply cache, it MAY return
18.37. Operation 44: DESTROY_SESSION - Destroy existing session 18.37. Operation 44: DESTROY_SESSION - Destroy existing session
Destroy existing session. Destroy existing session.
18.37.1. ARGUMENT 18.37.1. ARGUMENT
struct DESTROY_SESSION4args { struct DESTROY_SESSION4args {
sessionid4 dsa_sessionid; sessionid4 dsa_sessionid;
}; };
skipping to change at page 508, line 5 skipping to change at page 510, line 15
When a stateid is freed which had been associated with revoked locks, When a stateid is freed which had been associated with revoked locks,
the client, by doing the FREE_STATEID acknowledges the loss of those the client, by doing the FREE_STATEID acknowledges the loss of those
locks. This allows the server, once all such revoked state is locks. This allows the server, once all such revoked state is
acknowledged, to allow that client again to reclaim locks, without acknowledged, to allow that client again to reclaim locks, without
encountering the edge conditions discussed in Section 8.4.2. encountering the edge conditions discussed in Section 8.4.2.
Once a successful FREE_STATEID is done for a given stateid, any Once a successful FREE_STATEID is done for a given stateid, any
subsequent use of that stateid will result in an NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID subsequent use of that stateid will result in an NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID
error. error.
No discussion at this time.
18.39. Operation 46: GET_DIR_DELEGATION - Get a directory delegation 18.39. Operation 46: GET_DIR_DELEGATION - Get a directory delegation
Obtain a directory delegation. Obtain a directory delegation.
18.39.1. ARGUMENT 18.39.1. ARGUMENT
typedef nfstime4 attr_notice4; typedef nfstime4 attr_notice4;
struct GET_DIR_DELEGATION4args { struct GET_DIR_DELEGATION4args {
/* CURRENT_FH: delegated directory */ /* CURRENT_FH: delegated directory */
skipping to change at page 510, line 12 skipping to change at page 512, line 12
delegation, the delegation will be recalled unless the client has delegation, the delegation will be recalled unless the client has
asked for notification for this event. asked for notification for this event.
The server will also return a directory delegation stateid, The server will also return a directory delegation stateid,
gddr_stateid, as a result of the GET_DIR_DELEGATION operation. This gddr_stateid, as a result of the GET_DIR_DELEGATION operation. This
stateid will appear in callback messages related to the delegation, stateid will appear in callback messages related to the delegation,
such as notifications and delegation recalls. The client will use such as notifications and delegation recalls. The client will use
this stateid to return the delegation voluntarily or upon recall. A this stateid to return the delegation voluntarily or upon recall. A
delegation is returned by calling the DELEGRETURN operation. delegation is returned by calling the DELEGRETURN operation.
The server may not be able to support notifications of certain The server might not be able to support notifications of certain
events. If the client asks for such notifications, the server must events. If the client asks for such notifications, the server MUST
inform the client of its inability to do so as part of the inform the client of its inability to do so as part of the
GET_DIR_DELEGATION reply by not setting the appropriate bits in the GET_DIR_DELEGATION reply by not setting the appropriate bits in the
supported notifications bitmask, gddr_notification, contained in the supported notifications bitmask, gddr_notification, contained in the
reply. The server should not add bits to gddr_notification that the reply. The server MUST NOT add bits to gddr_notification that the
client did not request. client did not request.
The GET_DIR_DELEGATION operation can be used for both normal and The GET_DIR_DELEGATION operation can be used for both normal and
named attribute directories. named attribute directories.
If client sets gdda_signal_deleg_avail to TRUE, then it is If client sets gdda_signal_deleg_avail to TRUE, then it is
registering with the client a "want" for a directory delegation. If registering with the client a "want" for a directory delegation. If
the delegation is not available, and the server supports and will the delegation is not available, and the server supports and will
honor the "want", the results will have honor the "want", the results will have
gddrnf_will_signal_deleg_avail set to TRUE and no error will be gddrnf_will_signal_deleg_avail set to TRUE and no error will be
indicated on return. If so the client should expect a future indicated on return. If so the client should expect a future
CB_RECALLABLE_OBJ_AVAIL operation to indicate that a directory CB_RECALLABLE_OBJ_AVAIL operation to indicate that a directory
delegation is available. If the server does not wish to honor the delegation is available. If the server does not wish to honor the
"want" or is not able to do so, it returns the error "want" or is not able to do so, it returns the error
NFS4ERR_DIRDELEG_UNAVAIL. If the delegation is immediately NFS4ERR_DIRDELEG_UNAVAIL. If the delegation is immediately
available, the server may return it with the response to the available, the server SHOULD return it with the response to the
operation, rather than via a callback. operation, rather than via a callback.
Directory delegation provides the benefit of improving cache Directory delegations provide the benefit of improving cache
consistency of namespace information. This is done through consistency of namespace information. This is done through
synchronous callbacks. A server must support synchronous callbacks synchronous callbacks. A server must support synchronous callbacks
in order to support directory delegations. In addition to that, in order to support directory delegations. In addition to that,
asynchronous notifications provide a way to reduce network traffic as asynchronous notifications provide a way to reduce network traffic as
well as improve client performance in certain conditions. well as improve client performance in certain conditions.
Notifications would not be requested when the goal is just cache Notifications should not be requested when the goal is just cache
consistency. consistency.
Notifications are specified in terms of potential changes to the Notifications are specified in terms of potential changes to the
directory. A client can ask to be notified of events by setting one directory. A client can ask to be notified of events by setting one
or more bits in gdda_notification_types. The client can ask for or more bits in gdda_notification_types. The client can ask for
notifications on addition of entries to a directory (by setting the notifications on addition of entries to a directory (by setting the
NOTIFY4_ADD_ENTRY in gdda_notification_types), notifications on entry NOTIFY4_ADD_ENTRY in gdda_notification_types), notifications on entry
directory attribute changes (NOTIFY4_CHANGE_DIR_ATTRIBUTES), and directory attribute changes (NOTIFY4_CHANGE_DIR_ATTRIBUTES), and
cookie verifier changes (NOTIFY4_CHANGE_COOKIE_VERIFIER) by setting cookie verifier changes (NOTIFY4_CHANGE_COOKIE_VERIFIER) by setting
skipping to change at page 511, line 17 skipping to change at page 513, line 17
The client can also ask for notifications of changes to attributes of The client can also ask for notifications of changes to attributes of
directory entries (NOTIFY4_CHANGE_CHILD_ATTRIBUTES) in order to keep directory entries (NOTIFY4_CHANGE_CHILD_ATTRIBUTES) in order to keep
its attribute cache up to date. However any changes made to child its attribute cache up to date. However any changes made to child
attributes do not cause the delegation to be recalled. If a client attributes do not cause the delegation to be recalled. If a client
is interested in directory entry caching, or negative name caching, is interested in directory entry caching, or negative name caching,
it can set the gdda_notification_types appropriately to its it can set the gdda_notification_types appropriately to its
particular need and the server will notify it of all changes that particular need and the server will notify it of all changes that
would otherwise invalidate its name cache. The kind of notification would otherwise invalidate its name cache. The kind of notification
a client asks for may depend on the directory size, its rate of a client asks for may depend on the directory size, its rate of
change and the applications being used to access that directory. change and the applications being used to access that directory. The
However, the conditions under which a client might ask for a enumeration of the conditions under which a client might ask for a
notification, is out of the scope of this specification. notification is out of the scope of this specification.
For attribute notifications, the client will set bits in the For attribute notifications, the client will set bits in the
gdda_dir_attributes bitmap to indicate which attributes it wants to gdda_dir_attributes bitmap to indicate which attributes it wants to
be notified of. If the server does not support notifications for be notified of. If the server does not support notifications for
changes to a certain attribute, it should not set that attribute in changes to a certain attribute, it SHOULD NOT set that attribute in
the supported attribute bitmap specified in the reply the supported attribute bitmap specified in the reply
(gddr_dir_attributes). The client will also set in the (gddr_dir_attributes). The client will also set in the
gdda_child_attributes bitmap the attributes of directory entries it gdda_child_attributes bitmap the attributes of directory entries it
wants to be notified of, and the server will indicate in wants to be notified of, and the server will indicate in
gddr_child_attributes which attributes of directory entries it will gddr_child_attributes which attributes of directory entries it will
notify the client of. notify the client of.
The client will also let the server know if it wants to get the The client will also let the server know if it wants to get the
notification as soon as the attribute change occurs or after a notification as soon as the attribute change occurs or after a
certain delay by setting a delay factor; gdda_child_attr_delay is for certain delay by setting a delay factor; gdda_child_attr_delay is for
attribute changes to directory entries and gdda_dir_attr_delay is for attribute changes to directory entries and gdda_dir_attr_delay is for
attribute changes to the directory. If this delay factor is set to attribute changes to the directory. If this delay factor is set to
zero, that indicates to the server that the client wants to be zero, that indicates to the server that the client wants to be
notified of any attribute changes as soon as they occur. If the notified of any attribute changes as soon as they occur. If the
delay factor is set to N seconds, the server will make a best effort delay factor is set to N seconds, the server will make a best effort
guarantee that attribute updates are not out of sync by more than N guarantee that attribute updates are synchronized within N seconds.
seconds. If the client asks for a delay factor that the server does If the client asks for a delay factor that the server does not
not support or that may cause significant resource consumption on the support or that may cause significant resource consumption on the
server by causing the server to send a lot of notifications, the server by causing the server to send a lot of notifications, the
server should not commit to sending out notifications for attributes server should not commit to sending out notifications for attributes
and therefore must not set the appropriate bit in the and therefore must not set the appropriate bit in the
gddr_child_attributes and gddr_dir_attributes bitmaps in the gddr_child_attributes and gddr_dir_attributes bitmaps in the
response. response.
The client should use a security flavor that the file system is The client should use a security tuple that the file system is
exported with. If it uses a different flavor, the server should exported with. If it uses a different tuple, the server should
return NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC to the operation that precedes return NFS4ERR_WRONGSEC to the operation that both precedes
GET_DIR_DELEGATION and sets the current filehandle. GET_DIR_DELEGATION and sets the current filehandle.
The directory delegation covers all the entries in the directory The directory delegation covers all the entries in the directory
except the parent entry. That means if a directory and its parent except the parent entry. That means if a directory and its parent
both hold directory delegations, any changes to the parent will not both hold directory delegations, any changes to the parent will not
cause a notification to be sent for the child even though the child's cause a notification to be sent for the child even though the child's
parent entry points to the parent directory. parent entry points to the parent directory.
18.40. Operation 47: GETDEVICEINFO - Get Device Information 18.40. Operation 47: GETDEVICEINFO - Get Device Information
skipping to change at page 512, line 41 skipping to change at page 514, line 41
case NFS4_OK: case NFS4_OK:
GETDEVICEINFO4resok gdir_resok4; GETDEVICEINFO4resok gdir_resok4;
count4 gdir_mincount; count4 gdir_mincount;
default: default:
void; void;
}; };
Returns device address information for the specified device ID. The Returns pNFS storage device address information for the specified
client identifies the device information to be returned by providing device ID. The client identifies the device information to be
the gdia_device_id and gdia_layout_type that uniquely identify the returned by providing the gdia_device_id and gdia_layout_type that
device address. The client provides gdia_maxcount to limit the uniquely identify the device. The client provides gdia_maxcount to
number of bytes for the result. This maximum size represents all of limit the number of bytes for the result. This maximum size
the data being returned within the GETDEVICEINFO4resok structure and represents all of the data being returned within the
includes the XDR overhead. The server may return less data. If the GETDEVICEINFO4resok structure and includes the XDR overhead. The
server is unable to return the information within the gdia_maxcount server may return less data. If the server is unable to return any
limit, the error NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL will be returned. However, if information within the gdia_maxcount limit, the error
gdia_maxcount is zero, NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL MUST NOT be returned. NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL will be returned. However, if gdia_maxcount is
zero, NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL MUST NOT be returned.
The da_layout_type field of the gdir_device_addr returned by the The da_layout_type field of the gdir_device_addr returned by the
server MUST be equal to the gdia_layout_type specified by the client. server MUST be equal to the gdia_layout_type specified by the client.
If it is not equal, the client SHOULD ignore the response as invalid If it is not equal, the client SHOULD ignore the response as invalid
and behave as if the server returned an error, even if the client and behave as if the server returned an error, even if the client
does have support for the layout type returned. does have support for the layout type returned.
The client also provides a notification bitmap, gdia_notify_types for The client also provides a notification bitmap, gdia_notify_types for
the device ID mapping notification for which it is interested in the device ID mapping notification for which it is interested in
receiving; the server must support device ID notifications for the receiving; the server must support device ID notifications for the
skipping to change at page 513, line 31 skipping to change at page 515, line 32
(see Section 20.12). (see Section 20.12).
The notification bitmap applies only to the specified device ID. If The notification bitmap applies only to the specified device ID. If
a client issues GETDEVICEINFO on a deviceID multiple times, the last a client issues GETDEVICEINFO on a deviceID multiple times, the last
notification bitmap is used by the server for subsequent notification bitmap is used by the server for subsequent
notifications. If the bitmap is zero or empty, then the device ID's notifications. If the bitmap is zero or empty, then the device ID's
notifications are turned off. notifications are turned off.
If the client wants to just update or turn off notifications, it MAY If the client wants to just update or turn off notifications, it MAY
issue GETDEVICEINFO with gdia_maxcount set to zero. In that event, issue GETDEVICEINFO with gdia_maxcount set to zero. In that event,
if the device ID is valid, the da_addr_body field of the if the device ID is valid, the reply's da_addr_body field of the
gdir_device_addr field will be of zero length. gdir_device_addr field will be of zero length.
If an unknown device ID is given in gdia_device_id, the server If an unknown device ID is given in gdia_device_id, the server
returns NFS4ERR_NOENT. Otherwise, the device address information is returns NFS4ERR_NOENT. Otherwise, the device address information is
returned in gdir_device_addr. Finally, if the server supports returned in gdir_device_addr. Finally, if the server supports
notifications for device ID mappings, the gdir_notification result notifications for device ID mappings, the gdir_notification result
will contain a bitmap of which notifications it will actually send to will contain a bitmap of which notifications it will actually send to
the client (via CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID, see Section 20.12). the client (via CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID, see Section 20.12).
If NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL is returned, the results also contain If NFS4ERR_TOOSMALL is returned, the results also contain
skipping to change at page 514, line 25 skipping to change at page 516, line 26
o CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID deletes a device ID. If the client believes it o CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID deletes a device ID. If the client believes it
has layouts that refer to the device ID, then it is possible the has layouts that refer to the device ID, then it is possible the
layouts have been revoked. The client should send a TEST_STATEID layouts have been revoked. The client should send a TEST_STATEID
request using the stateid for each layout that might have been request using the stateid for each layout that might have been
revoked. If TEST_STATEID indicates any layouts have been revoked, revoked. If TEST_STATEID indicates any layouts have been revoked,
the client must recover from layout revocation as described in the client must recover from layout revocation as described in
Section 12.5.6. If TEST_STATEID indicates at least one layout has Section 12.5.6. If TEST_STATEID indicates at least one layout has
not been revoked, the client should send a GETDEVICEINFO on the not been revoked, the client should send a GETDEVICEINFO on the
device ID to verify that the device ID has been deleted. If device ID to verify that the device ID has been deleted. If
GETDEVICEINFO indicates the device ID does not exist, the client GETDEVICEINFO indicates the device ID does not exist, the client
then assumes the server is broken, and recovers issuing then assumes the server is faulty, and recovers issuing by
EXCHANGE_ID. If the client does not have layouts that refer to EXCHANGE_ID. If the client does not have layouts that refer to
the device ID, no harm is done. The client should mark the device the device ID, no harm is done. The client should mark the device
ID as deleted, and when the GETDEVICEINFO or GETDEVICELIST results ID as deleted, and when the GETDEVICEINFO or GETDEVICELIST results
are finally received for the device ID, delete the device ID from are finally received for the device ID, delete the device ID from
client's cache. client's cache.
o CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID indicates a device ID's device addressing o CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID indicates a device ID's device addressing
mappings have changed. The client should assume that the results mappings have changed. The client should assume that the results
from the in progress GETDEVICEINFO will be stale for the device ID from the in progress GETDEVICEINFO will be stale for the device ID
once received, and so it should send a GETDEVICEINFO on the device once received, and so it should send another GETDEVICEINFO on the
ID. device ID.
18.41. Operation 48: GETDEVICELIST - Get All Device Mappings for a File 18.41. Operation 48: GETDEVICELIST - Get All Device Mappings for a File
System System
18.41.1. ARGUMENT 18.41.1. ARGUMENT
struct GETDEVICELIST4args { struct GETDEVICELIST4args {
/* CURRENT_FH: object belonging to the file system */ /* CURRENT_FH: object belonging to the file system */
layouttype4 gdla_layout_type; layouttype4 gdla_layout_type;
skipping to change at page 515, line 42 skipping to change at page 517, line 42
}; };
This operation is used by the client to enumerate all of the device This operation is used by the client to enumerate all of the device
IDs a server's file system uses. IDs a server's file system uses.
The client provides a current filehandle of a file object that The client provides a current filehandle of a file object that
belongs to the file system (i.e. all file objects sharing the same belongs to the file system (i.e. all file objects sharing the same
fsid as that of the current filehandle), and the layout type in fsid as that of the current filehandle), and the layout type in
gdia_layout_type. Since this operation may require multiple calls to gdia_layout_type. Since this operation might require multiple calls
enumerate all the device IDs (and is thus similar to the READDIR to enumerate all the device IDs (and is thus similar to the READDIR
(Section 18.23) operation), the client also provides gdia_cookie and (Section 18.23) operation), the client also provides gdia_cookie and
gdia_cookieverf to specify the current cursor position in the list. gdia_cookieverf to specify the current cursor position in the list.
The client provides gdla_maxdevices to limit the number of device IDs When the client wants to read from the beginning of the file system's
in the result. The server MAY return fewer device IDs. device mappings, it sets gdla_cookie to zero. The field
gdla_cookieverf MUST be ignored by the server when gdla_cookie is
zero. The client provides gdla_maxdevices to limit the number of
device IDs in the result. If gdla_maxdevices is zero, the server
MUST return NFS4ERR_INVAL. The server MAY return fewer device IDs.
The successful response to the operation will contain the cookie, The successful response to the operation will contain the cookie,
gdlr_cookie, and cookie verifier, gdlr_cookieverf, to be used on the gdlr_cookie, and cookie verifier, gdlr_cookieverf, to be used on the
subsequent GETDEVICELIST. A gdlr_eof value of TRUE signifies that subsequent GETDEVICELIST. A gdlr_eof value of TRUE signifies that
there are no remaining entries in the server's device list. Each there are no remaining entries in the server's device list. Each
element of gdlr_deviceid_list contains a device ID. element of gdlr_deviceid_list contains a device ID.
An example of the use of this operation is for pNFS clients and An example of the use of this operation is for pNFS clients and
skipping to change at page 517, line 31 skipping to change at page 519, line 31
default: default:
void; void;
}; };
Commits changes in the layout represented by the current filehandle, Commits changes in the layout represented by the current filehandle,
client ID (derived from the sessionid in the preceding SEQUENCE client ID (derived from the sessionid in the preceding SEQUENCE
operation), byte range, and stateid. Since layouts are sub- operation), byte range, and stateid. Since layouts are sub-
dividable, a smaller portion of a layout, retrieved via LAYOUTGET, dividable, a smaller portion of a layout, retrieved via LAYOUTGET,
may be committed. The region being committed is specified through can be committed. The region being committed is specified through
the byte range (loca_offset and loca_length). This region MUST the byte range (loca_offset and loca_length). This region MUST
overlap with one or more existing layouts previously granted via overlap with one or more existing layouts previously granted via
LAYOUTGET (Section 18.43), each with an iomode of LAYOUTIOMODE4_RW. LAYOUTGET (Section 18.43), each with an iomode of LAYOUTIOMODE4_RW.
In the case where any held layout segments iomode is not In the case where the iomode of any held layout segment is not
LAYOUTIOMODE4_RW the server should return the error LAYOUTIOMODE4_RW, the server should return the error
NFS4ERR_BAD_IOMODE. For the case where the client does not hold NFS4ERR_BAD_IOMODE. For the case where the client does not hold
matching layout segment(s) for the defined region, the server should matching layout segment(s) for the defined region, the server should
return the error NFS4ERR_BAD_LAYOUT. return the error NFS4ERR_BAD_LAYOUT.
The LAYOUTCOMMIT operation indicates that the client has completed The LAYOUTCOMMIT operation indicates that the client has completed
writes using a layout obtained by a previous LAYOUTGET. The client writes using a layout obtained by a previous LAYOUTGET. The client
may have only written a subset of the data range it previously may have only written a subset of the data range it previously
requested. LAYOUTCOMMIT allows it to commit or discard provisionally requested. LAYOUTCOMMIT allows it to commit or discard provisionally
allocated space and to update the server with a new end of file. The allocated space and to update the server with a new end of file. The
layout referenced by LAYOUTCOMMIT is still valid after the operation layout referenced by LAYOUTCOMMIT is still valid after the operation
skipping to change at page 519, line 4 skipping to change at page 521, line 4
result of the LAYOUTCOMMIT operation, it must return the new size result of the LAYOUTCOMMIT operation, it must return the new size
(locr_newsize.ns_size) as part of the results. (locr_newsize.ns_size) as part of the results.
The loca_time_modify field allows the client to suggest a The loca_time_modify field allows the client to suggest a
modification time it would like the metadata server to set. The modification time it would like the metadata server to set. The
metadata server may use the suggestion or it may use the time of the metadata server may use the suggestion or it may use the time of the
LAYOUTCOMMIT operation to set the modification time. If the metadata LAYOUTCOMMIT operation to set the modification time. If the metadata
server uses the client provided modification time, it should ensure server uses the client provided modification time, it should ensure
time does not flow backwards. If the client wants to force the time does not flow backwards. If the client wants to force the
metadata server to set an exact time, the client should use a SETATTR metadata server to set an exact time, the client should use a SETATTR
operation in a compound right after LAYOUTCOMMIT. See Section 12.5.4 operation in a COMPOUND right after LAYOUTCOMMIT. See Section 12.5.4
for more details. If the client desires the resultant modification for more details. If the client desires the resultant modification
time it should construct the COMPOUND so that a GETATTR follows the time it should construct the COMPOUND so that a GETATTR follows the
The loca_layoutupdate argument to LAYOUTCOMMIT provides a mechanism The loca_layoutupdate argument to LAYOUTCOMMIT provides a mechanism
for a client to provide layout specific updates to the metadata for a client to provide layout specific updates to the metadata
server. For example, the layout update can describe what regions of server. For example, the layout update can describe what regions of
the original layout have been used and what regions can be the original layout have been used and what regions can be
deallocated. There is no NFSv4.1 file layout-specific layoutupdate4 deallocated. There is no NFSv4.1 file layout-specific layoutupdate4
structure. structure.
skipping to change at page 520, line 38 skipping to change at page 522, line 38
case NFS4_OK: case NFS4_OK:
LAYOUTGET4resok logr_resok4; LAYOUTGET4resok logr_resok4;
bool logr_will_signal_layout_avail; bool logr_will_signal_layout_avail;
default: default:
void; void;
}; };
Requests a layout from the metadata server for reading or writing Requests a layout from the metadata server for reading or writing the
(and reading) the file given by the filehandle at the byte range file given by the filehandle at the byte range specified by offset
specified by offset and length. Layouts are identified by the client and length. Layouts are identified by the client ID (derived from
ID (derived from the sessionid in the preceding SEQUENCE operation), the sessionid in the preceding SEQUENCE operation), current
current filehandle, layout type (loga_layout_type), and the layout filehandle, layout type (loga_layout_type), and the layout stateid
stateid (loga_stateid). The use of the loga_iomode depends upon the (loga_stateid). The use of the loga_iomode field depends upon the
layout type, but should reflect the client's data access intent. layout type, but should reflect the client's data access intent.
If the metadata server is in a grace period, and does not persist If the metadata server is in a grace period, and does not persist
layouts and device ID to device address mappings, then it MUST return layouts and device ID to device address mappings, then it MUST return
NFS4ERR_GRACE (see Section NFS4ERR_GRACE (see Section
The LAYOUTGET operation returns layout information for the specified The LAYOUTGET operation returns layout information for the specified
byte range: a layout. To get a layout from a specific offset through byte range: a layout. To get a layout from a specific offset through
the end-of-file, regardless of the file's length, a loga_length field the end-of-file, regardless of the file's length, a loga_length field
with all bits set to 1 (one) should be used. If loga_length is zero, set to NFS4_UINT64_MAX is used. If loga_length is zero, or if a
or if a loga_length which is not all bits set to one is specified, loga_length which is not NFS4_UINT64_MAX is specified, and the sum of
and loga_length when added to loga_offset exceeds the maximum 64-bit loga_length and loga_offset exceeds NFS4_UINT64_MAX, the error
unsigned integer value, the error NFS4ERR_INVAL will result. NFS4ERR_INVAL will result.
The loga_minlength field specifies the minimum length of layout the The loga_minlength field specifies the minimum length of layout the
server MUST return with two exceptions: server MUST return with two exceptions:
1. The argument loga_iomode was set to LAYOUTIOMODE_READ, and 1. The argument loga_iomode was set to LAYOUTIOMODE_READ, and
loga_offset plus loga_minlength goes past the end of the file. loga_offset plus loga_minlength goes past the end of the file.
2. The range from loga_offset through loga_offset + loga_minlength - 2. The range from loga_offset through loga_offset + loga_minlength -
1 overlaps two or more striping patterns. In which case, 1 overlaps two or more striping patterns. In which case,
logr_layout will contain two or more elements, and the sum of the logr_layout will contain two or more elements, and the sum of the
skipping to change at page 522, line 22 skipping to change at page 524, line 22
The logr_return_on_close result field is a directive to return the The logr_return_on_close result field is a directive to return the
layout before closing the file. When the server sets this return layout before closing the file. When the server sets this return
value to TRUE, it MUST be prepared to recall the layout in the case value to TRUE, it MUST be prepared to recall the layout in the case
the client fails to return the layout before close. For the server the client fails to return the layout before close. For the server
that knows a layout must be returned before a close of the file, this that knows a layout must be returned before a close of the file, this
return value can be used to communicate the desired behavior to the return value can be used to communicate the desired behavior to the
client and thus remove one extra step from the client's and server's client and thus remove one extra step from the client's and server's
interaction. interaction.
The logr_stateid, as with all stateid processing, is returned to the The logr_stateid stateid is returned to the client for use in
client for use in subsequent layout related operations. See subsequent layout related operations. See Section 8.2,
Section 8.2, Section 12.5.3, and Section for a further Section 12.5.3, and Section for a further discussion and
discussion and requirements. requirements.
The format of the returned layout (lo_content) is specific to the The format of the returned layout (lo_content) is specific to the
layout type. The value of the layout type (lo_content.loc_type) for layout type. The value of the layout type (lo_content.loc_type) for
each of the elements of the array of layouts returned by the server each of the elements of the array of layouts returned by the server
(logr_layout) MUST be equal to the loga_layout_type specified by the (logr_layout) MUST be equal to the loga_layout_type specified by the
client. If it is not equal, the client SHOULD ignore the response as client. If it is not equal, the client SHOULD ignore the response as
invalid and behave as if the server returned an error, even if the invalid and behave as if the server returned an error, even if the
client does have support for the layout type returned. client does have support for the layout type returned.
If layouts are not supported for the requested file or its containing If layouts are not supported for the requested file or its containing
skipping to change at page 523, line 21 skipping to change at page 525, line 21
supports and will honor the "want", the results will have supports and will honor the "want", the results will have
logr_will_signal_layout_avail set to TRUE. If so the client should logr_will_signal_layout_avail set to TRUE. If so the client should
expect a CB_RECALLABLE_OBJ_AVAIL operation to indicate that a layout expect a CB_RECALLABLE_OBJ_AVAIL operation to indicate that a layout
is available. is available.
On success, the current filehandle retains its value and the current On success, the current filehandle retains its value and the current
stateid is updated to match the value as returned in the results. stateid is updated to match the value as returned in the results.
Typically, LAYOUTGET will be called as part of a compound RPC after Typically, LAYOUTGET will be called as part of a COMPOUND request
an OPEN operation and results in the client having location after an OPEN operation and results in the client having location
information for the file; a client may also hold a layout across information for the file; this requires that loga_stateid be set to
multiple OPENs. The client specifies a layout type that limits what the special stateid that tells the server to use the current stateid,
kind of layout the server will return. This prevents servers from which is set by OPEN (see Section . A client may also
issuing layouts that are unusable by the client. hold a layout across multiple OPENs. The client specifies a layout
type that limits what kind of layout the server will return. This
prevents servers from issuing layouts that are unusable by the
Once the client has obtained a layout referring to a particular Once the client has obtained a layout referring to a particular
device ID, the server MUST NOT delete the device ID until the layout device ID, the server MUST NOT delete the device ID until the layout
is returned or revoked. is returned or revoked.
CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID can race with LAYOUTGET. One race scenario is CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID can race with LAYOUTGET. One race scenario is
that LAYOUTGET returns a device ID the client does not have device that LAYOUTGET returns a device ID the client does not have device
address mappings for, and the server sends a CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID to address mappings for, and the server sends a CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID to
add the device ID to the client's awareness and meanwhile the client add the device ID to the client's awareness and meanwhile the client
sends GETDEVICEINFO on the device ID. This scenario is discussed in sends GETDEVICEINFO on the device ID. This scenario is discussed in
skipping to change at page 525, line 23 skipping to change at page 527, line 23
union LAYOUTRETURN4res switch (nfsstat4 lorr_status) { union LAYOUTRETURN4res switch (nfsstat4 lorr_status) {
case NFS4_OK: case NFS4_OK:
layoutreturn_stateid lorr_stateid; layoutreturn_stateid lorr_stateid;
default: default:
void; void;
}; };
This operation returns one or more layouts represented by the client This operation returns from the client to the server one or more
ID (derived from the sessionid in the preceding SEQUENCE operation), layouts represented by the client ID (derived from the sessionid in
lora_layout_type, and lora_iomode. When lr_returntype is the preceding SEQUENCE operation), lora_layout_type, and lora_iomode.
LAYOUTRETURN4_FILE, the returned layout is further identified by the When lr_returntype is LAYOUTRETURN4_FILE, the returned layout is
current filehandle, lrf_offset, lrf_length, and lrf_stateid. If the further identified by the current filehandle, lrf_offset, lrf_length,
lrf_length is all 1s, all bytes of the layout, starting at lrf_offset and lrf_stateid. If the lrf_length field is NFS4_UINT64_MAX, all
are returned. When lr_returntype is LAYOUTRETURN4_FSID the current bytes of the layout, starting at lrf_offset are returned. When
filehandle is used to identify the file system and all layouts lr_returntype is LAYOUTRETURN4_FSID, the current filehandle is used
matching the client ID, lora_layout_type, and lora_iomode are to identify the file system and all layouts matching the client ID,
returned. When lr_returntype is LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL all layouts the fsid of the file system, lora_layout_type, and lora_iomode are
returned. When lr_returntype is LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL, all layouts
matching the client ID, lora_layout_type, and lora_iomode are matching the client ID, lora_layout_type, and lora_iomode are
returned and the current filehandle is not used. After this call, returned and the current filehandle is not used. After this call,
the client MUST NOT use the returned layout(s) and the associated the client MUST NOT use the returned layout(s) and the associated
storage protocol to access the file data. storage protocol to access the file data.
If the set of layouts designated in the case of LAYOUTRETURN4_FSID or If the set of layouts designated in the case of LAYOUTRETURN4_FSID or
LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL is empty, then no error results. In the case of LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL is empty, then no error results. In the case of
LAYOUTRETURN4_FILE, the byte range specified is returned even if it LAYOUTRETURN4_FILE, the byte range specified is returned even if it
is a subdivision of a layout previously obtained with LAYOUTGET, a is a subdivision of a layout previously obtained with LAYOUTGET, a
combination of multiple layouts previously obtained with LAYOUTGET, combination of multiple layouts previously obtained with LAYOUTGET,
skipping to change at page 526, line 25 skipping to change at page 528, line 26
LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL) are being returned. LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL) are being returned.
In the case that lr_returntype is LAYOUTRETURN4_FILE, the lrf_stateid In the case that lr_returntype is LAYOUTRETURN4_FILE, the lrf_stateid
provided by the client is a layout stateid as returned from previous provided by the client is a layout stateid as returned from previous
layout operations. Note that the "seqid" field of lrf_stateid MUST layout operations. Note that the "seqid" field of lrf_stateid MUST
NOT be zero. See Section 8.2, Section 12.5.3, and Section NOT be zero. See Section 8.2, Section 12.5.3, and Section
for a further discussion and requirements. for a further discussion and requirements.
Return of a layout or all layouts does not invalidate the mapping of Return of a layout or all layouts does not invalidate the mapping of
storage device ID to storage device address which remains in effect storage device ID to storage device address which remains in effect
until specifically recalled or changed via notification callbacks. until specifically changed or deleted via device ID notification
The lora_reclaim field set to TRUE in a LAYOUTRETURN request If the lora_reclaim field is set to TRUE, the client is attempting to
specifies that the client is attempting to return a layout that was return a layout that was acquired before the restart of the metadata
acquired before the restart of the metadata server during the server during the metadata server's grace period. When returning
metadata server's grace period. When returning layouts that were layouts that were acquired during the metadata server's grace period,
acquired during the metadata server's grace period MUST set the the client MUST set the lora_reclaim field to FALSE. The
lora_reclaim field to FALSE. The lora_reclaim field MUST be set to lora_reclaim field MUST be set to FALSE also when lr_layoutreturn is
LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL. See LAYOUTCOMMIT (Section 18.42) for more (Section 18.42) for more details.
Layouts may be returned when recalled or voluntarily (i.e., before Layouts may be returned when recalled or voluntarily (i.e., before
the server has recalled them). In either case the client must the server has recalled them). In either case the client must
properly propagate state changed under the context of the layout to properly propagate state changed under the context of the layout to
the storage device(s) or to the metadata server before returning the the storage device(s) or to the metadata server before returning the
layout. layout.
If the client is returning the layout in response to a If the client returns the layout in response to a CB_LAYOUTRECALL
CB_LAYOUTRECALL where the lor_recalltype was LAYOUTRECALL4_FILE, the where the lor_recalltype field of the clora_recall field was
client should use the lor_stateid value from CB_LAYOUTRECALL as the LAYOUTRECALL4_FILE, the client should use the lor_stateid value from
value for lrf_stateid. Otherwise, it should use logr_stateid (from a CB_LAYOUTRECALL as the value for lrf_stateid. Otherwise, it should
previous LAYOUTGET result) or lorr_stateid (from a previous LAYRETURN use logr_stateid (from a previous LAYOUTGET result) or lorr_stateid
result). This is done to indicate the point in time (in terms of (from a previous LAYRETURN result). This is done to indicate the
layout stateid transitions) when the recall was sent. The client point in time (in terms of layout stateid transitions) when the
must use the precise lora_recallstateid value and not set the seqid recall was sent. The client uses the precise lora_recallstateid
to zero. Otherwise NFS4ERR_BAD_STATEID will be returned. value and MUST NOT set the stateid's seqid to zero; otherwise
NFS4ERR_OLD_STATEID can be returned if the client is using an old returned if the client is using an old seqid, and the server knows
seqid, and the server knows the client should not be using the old the client should not be using the old seqid. E.g. the client uses
seqid. E.g. the client uses the seqid on slot 1 of the session, the seqid on slot 1 of the session, received the response with the
received the response with the new seqid, and uses the slot to send new seqid, and uses the slot to send another request with the old
another request with the old seqid. seqid.
If a client fails to return a layout in a timely manner, then the If a client fails to return a layout in a timely manner, then the
metadata server should use its control protocol with the storage metadata server SHOULD use its control protocol with the storage
devices to fence the client from accessing the data referenced by the devices to fence the client from accessing the data referenced by the
layout. See Section 12.5.5 for more details. layout. See Section 12.5.5 for more details.
If the LAYOUTRETURN request sets the lora_reclaim field to TRUE after If the LAYOUTRETURN request sets the lora_reclaim field to TRUE after
the metadata server's grace period, NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE is returned. the metadata server's grace period, NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE is returned.
If the LAYOUTRETURN request sets the lora_reclaim field to TRUE and If the LAYOUTRETURN request sets the lora_reclaim field to TRUE and
lr_returntype is set to LAYOUTRETURN4_FSID or LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL, lr_returntype is set to LAYOUTRETURN4_FSID or LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL,
NFS4ERR_INVAL is returned. NFS4ERR_INVAL is returned.
If the operation specified lr_returntype of LAYOUTRETURN4_FILE, then If the operation set the lr_returntype field to LAYOUTRETURN4_FILE,
lrs_stateid will represent the layout stateid as updated for this then the lrs_stateid field will represent the layout stateid as
operation's processing; the current stateid will also be updated to updated for this operation's processing; the current stateid will
match the returned value. If the last byte of any layout for the also be updated to match the returned value. If the last byte of any
current file, client ID, and layout type is being returned and there layout for the current file, client ID, and layout type is being
are no remaining pending CB_LAYOUTRECALL operations for which a returned and there are no remaining pending CB_LAYOUTRECALL
LAYOUTRETURN operation must be done as a completing operation, operations for which a LAYOUTRETURN operation must be done,
lrs_present MUST be FALSE, and thus no stateid will be returned. lrs_present MUST be FALSE, and thus no stateid will be returned and
the current stateid will be cleared.
On success, the current filehandle retains its value. On success, the current filehandle retains its value.
The server MAY require that the principal, security flavor, and if If the EXCHGID4_FLAG_BIND_PRINC_STATEID capability is set on the
applicable, the GSS mechanism, combination that acquired the layout client ID (see Section 18.35), the server will require that the
also be the one to send LAYOUTRETURN. This might not be possible if principal, security flavor, and if applicable, the GSS mechanism,
credentials for the principal are no longer available. The server combination that acquired the layout also be the one to send
MAY allow the machine credential or SSV credential (see LAYOUTRETURN. This might not be possible if credentials for the
Section 18.35) to send LAYOUTRETURN. principal are no longer available. The server will allow the machine
credential or SSV credential (see Section 18.35) to send LAYOUTRETURN
if LAYOUTRETURN's operation code was set in the spo_must_allow result
The final LAYOUTRETURN operation in response to a CB_LAYOUTRECALL The final LAYOUTRETURN operation in response to a CB_LAYOUTRECALL
callback MUST be serialized with any outstanding, intersecting callback MUST be serialized with any outstanding, intersecting
LAYOUTRETURN operations. Note that it is possible that while a LAYOUTRETURN operations. Note that it is possible that while a
client is returning the layout for some recalled range the server may client is returning the layout for some recalled range the server may
recall a superset of that range (e.g. LAYOUTRECALL4_ALL); the final recall a superset of that range (e.g. LAYOUTRECALL4_ALL); the final
return operation for the latter must block until the former layout return operation for the latter must block until the former layout
recall is done - when its corresponding final return operation is recall is done.
Returning all layouts in a file system using LAYOUTRETURN4_FSID is Returning all layouts in a file system using LAYOUTRETURN4_FSID is
typically done in response to a CB_LAYOUTRECALL for that file system typically done in response to a CB_LAYOUTRECALL for that file system
as the final return operation. Similarly, LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL is used as the final return operation. Similarly, LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL is used
in response to a recall callback for all layouts. It is possible in response to a recall callback for all layouts. It is possible
that the client already returned some outstanding layouts via that the client already returned some outstanding layouts via
individual LAYOUTRETURN calls and the call for LAYOUTRETURN4_FSID or individual LAYOUTRETURN calls and the call for LAYOUTRETURN4_FSID or
LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL marks the end of the LAYOUTRETURN sequence. See LAYOUTRETURN4_ALL marks the end of the LAYOUTRETURN sequence. See
Section for more details. Section for more details.
skipping to change at page 530, line 46 skipping to change at page 532, line 46
The SEQUENCE operation is used by the server to implement session The SEQUENCE operation is used by the server to implement session
request control and the reply cache semantics. request control and the reply cache semantics.
This operation MUST appear as the first operation of any COMPOUND in This operation MUST appear as the first operation of any COMPOUND in
which it appears. The error NFS4ERR_SEQUENCE_POS will be returned which it appears. The error NFS4ERR_SEQUENCE_POS will be returned
when it is found in any position in a COMPOUND beyond the first. when it is found in any position in a COMPOUND beyond the first.
CREATE_SESSION, and DESTROY_SESSION, may not appear as the first CREATE_SESSION, and DESTROY_SESSION, MUST NOT appear as the first
operation in a COMPOUND. Such operations MUST yield the error operation in a COMPOUND. Such operations MUST yield the error
NFS4ERR_OP_NOT_IN_SESSION if they do appear at the start of a NFS4ERR_OP_NOT_IN_SESSION if they do appear at the start of a
If SEQUENCE is received on a connection not associated with the If SEQUENCE is received on a connection not associated with the
session via CREATE_SESSION or BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION, and connection session via CREATE_SESSION or BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION, and connection
association enforcement is enabled (see Section 18.35), then the association enforcement is enabled (see Section 18.35), then the
The sa_sessionid argument identifies the session this request applies The sa_sessionid argument identifies the session this request applies
skipping to change at page 534, line 8 skipping to change at page 536, line 8
The client is using device ID notifications and the server has The client is using device ID notifications and the server has
changed a device ID mapping held by the client. This flag will changed a device ID mapping held by the client. This flag will
stay present until the client has obtained the new mapping with stay present until the client has obtained the new mapping with
The client is using device ID notifications and the server has The client is using device ID notifications and the server has
deleted a device ID mapping held by the client. This flag will deleted a device ID mapping held by the client. This flag will
stay in affect until the client sends GETDEVICEINFO with a null stay in effect until the client sends a GETDEVICEINFO on the
value in the argument gdia_notify_types. device ID with a null value in the argument gdia_notify_types.
The value of sa_sequenceid argument relative to the cached sequence The value of the sa_sequenceid argument relative to the cached
id on the slot falls into one of three cases. sequence id on the slot falls into one of three cases.
o If the difference between sa_sequenceid and the server's cached o If the difference between sa_sequenceid and the server's cached
sequence id at the slot id is two (2) or more, or if sa_sequenceid sequence id at the slot id is two (2) or more, or if sa_sequenceid
is less than the cached sequence id (accounting for wraparound of is less than the cached sequence id (accounting for wraparound of
the unsigned sequence id value), then the server MUST return the unsigned sequence id value), then the server MUST return
o If sa_sequenceid and the cached sequence id are the same, this is o If sa_sequenceid and the cached sequence id are the same, this is
a retry, and the server replies with the COMPOUND reply that is a retry, and the server replies with the COMPOUND reply that is
stored the reply cache. The lease is possibly renewed. stored the reply cache. The lease is possibly renewed as
described below.
o If sa_sequenceid is one greater (accounting for wraparound) than o If sa_sequenceid is one greater (accounting for wraparound) than
the cached sequence id, then this is a new request, and the slot's the cached sequence id, then this is a new request, and the slot's
sequence id is incremented. The operations subsequent to sequence id is incremented. The operations subsequent to
SEQUENCE, if any, are processed. If there are no other SEQUENCE, if any, are processed. If there are no other
operations, the only other effects are to cache the SEQUENCE reply operations, the only other effects are to cache the SEQUENCE reply
in the slot, maintain the session's activity, and possibly renew in the slot, maintain the session's activity, and possibly renew
the lease. the lease.
If the client reuses a slot id and sequence id for a completely If the client reuses a slot id and sequence id for a completely
skipping to change at page 536, line 16 skipping to change at page 538, line 16
This operation is used to update the SSV for a client ID. Before This operation is used to update the SSV for a client ID. Before
SET_SSV is called the first time on a client ID, the SSV is zero (0). SET_SSV is called the first time on a client ID, the SSV is zero (0).
The SSV is the key used for the SSV GSS mechanism (Section 2.10.8) The SSV is the key used for the SSV GSS mechanism (Section 2.10.8)
SET_SSV MUST be preceded by a SEQUENCE operation in the same SET_SSV MUST be preceded by a SEQUENCE operation in the same
COMPOUND. It MUST NOT be used if the client did not opt for SP4_SSV COMPOUND. It MUST NOT be used if the client did not opt for SP4_SSV
state protection when the client ID was created (see Section 18.35); state protection when the client ID was created (see Section 18.35);
the server returns NFS4ERR_INVAL in that case. the server returns NFS4ERR_INVAL in that case.
ssa_digest is computed as the output of the HMAC RFC2104 [11] using The field ssa_digest is computed as the output of the HMAC RFC2104
the subkey derived from the SSV4_SUBKEY_MIC_I2T and current SSV as [11] using the subkey derived from the SSV4_SUBKEY_MIC_I2T and
the key (See Section 2.10.8 for a description of subkeys), and an XDR current SSV as the key (See Section 2.10.8 for a description of
encoded value of data type ssa_digest_input4. The field sdi_seqargs subkeys), and an XDR encoded value of data type ssa_digest_input4.
is equal to the arguments of the SEQUENCE operation for the COMPOUND The field sdi_seqargs is equal to the arguments of the SEQUENCE
procedure that SET_SSV is within. operation for the COMPOUND procedure that SET_SSV is within.
The argument ssa_ssv is XORed with the current SSV to produce the new The argument ssa_ssv is XORed with the current SSV to produce the new
SSV. The argument ssa_ssv SHOULD be generated randomly. SSV. The argument ssa_ssv SHOULD be generated randomly.
In the response, ssr_digest is the output of the HMAC using the In the response, ssr_digest is the output of the HMAC using the
subkey derived from SSV4_SUBKEY_MIC_T2I and new SSV as the key, and subkey derived from SSV4_SUBKEY_MIC_T2I and new SSV as the key, and
an XDR encoded value of data type ssr_digest_input4. The field an XDR encoded value of data type ssr_digest_input4. The field
sdi_seqres is equal to the results of the SEQUENCE operation for the sdi_seqres is equal to the results of the SEQUENCE operation for the
COMPOUND procedure that SET_SSV is within. COMPOUND procedure that SET_SSV is within.
As noted in Section 18.35, the client and server can maintain As noted in Section 18.35, the client and server can maintain
multiple concurrent versions of the SSV. The client and server each multiple concurrent versions of the SSV. The client and server each
MUST maintain an internal SSV version number, which is set to one (1) MUST maintain an internal SSV version number, which is set to one (1)
the first time SET_SSV executes on the server and the client receives the first time SET_SSV executes on the server and the client receives
the first SET_SSV reply. Each subsequent SET_SSV increases the the first SET_SSV reply. Each subsequent SET_SSV increases the
internal counter by one (1). The value of this version number internal SSV version number by one (1). The value of this version
corresponds to the smpt_ssv_seq, smt_ssv_seq, sspt_ssv_seq, and number corresponds to the smpt_ssv_seq, smt_ssv_seq, sspt_ssv_seq,
ssct_ssv_seq fields for the SSV GSS mechanism tokens (see and ssct_ssv_seq fields of the SSV GSS mechanism tokens (see
Section 2.10.8). Section 2.10.8).
When the server receives ssa_digest, it MUST verify the digest by When the server receives ssa_digest, it MUST verify the digest by
computing the digest the same way the client did and comparing it computing the digest the same way the client did and comparing it
with ssa_digest. If the server gets a different result, this is an with ssa_digest. If the server gets a different result, this is an
error, NFS4ERR_BAD_SESSION_DIGEST. This error might be the result of error, NFS4ERR_BAD_SESSION_DIGEST. This error might be the result of
another SET_SSV from the same client ID changing the SSV. If so, the another SET_SSV from the same client ID changing the SSV. If so, the
client recovers by issuing SET_SSV again with a recomputed digest client recovers by issuing SET_SSV again with a recomputed digest
based on the subkey of the new SSV. If the transport connection is based on the subkey of the new SSV. If the transport connection is
dropped after the SET_SSV request is sent, but before the SET_SSV dropped after the SET_SSV request is sent, but before the SET_SSV
reply is received, then there are special considerations for recovery reply is received, then there are special considerations for recovery
if the client has no more connections associated with sessions if the client has no more connections associated with sessions
associated with the client ID of the SSV. See Section 18.34.4. associated with the client ID of the SSV. See Section 18.34.4.
Clients SHOULD NOT send an ssa_ssv that is equal to a previous Clients SHOULD NOT send an ssa_ssv that is equal to a previous
ssa_ssv, nor equal to a previous SSV (including an ssa_ssv equal to ssa_ssv, nor equal to a previous or current SSV (including an ssa_ssv
zero since the SSV is initialized to zero when the client ID is equal to zero since the SSV is initialized to zero when the client ID
created). is created).
Clients SHOULD send SET_SSV with RPCSEC_GSS privacy. Servers MUST Clients SHOULD send SET_SSV with RPCSEC_GSS privacy. Servers MUST
support RPCSEC_GSS with privacy for any COMPOUND that has { SEQUENCE, support RPCSEC_GSS with privacy for any COMPOUND that has { SEQUENCE,
A client SHOULD NOT send SET_SSV with the SSV GSS mechanism's A client SHOULD NOT send SET_SSV with the SSV GSS mechanism's
credential because the purpose of SET_SSV is to seed the SSV from credential because the purpose of SET_SSV is to seed the SSV from
non-SSV credentials. Instead SET_SSV SHOULD be sent with the non-SSV credentials. Instead SET_SSV SHOULD be sent with the
credential of a user that is accessing the client ID for the first credential of a user that is accessing the client ID for the first
time (Section However if the client does send SET_SSV time (Section However if the client does send SET_SSV
skipping to change at page 540, line 11 skipping to change at page 542, line 11
default: default:
void; void;
}; };
Where this description mandates the return of a specific error code Where this description mandates the return of a specific error code
for a specific condition, and where multiple conditions apply, the for a specific condition, and where multiple conditions apply, the
server MAY return any of the mandated error codes. server MAY return any of the mandated error codes.
This operation allows a client to The server MAY support this operation. If the server does not
support this operation, it MUST return NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP.
o get a delegation on all types of files except directories. The This operation allows a client to:
server MAY support this operation. If the server does not support
this operation, it MUST return NFS4ERR_NOTSUPP.
o register a "want" for a delegation for the specified file object, o Get a delegation on all types of files except directories.
o Register a "want" for a delegation for the specified file object,
and be notified via a callback when the delegation is available. and be notified via a callback when the delegation is available.
The server MAY support notifications of availability via The server MAY support notifications of availability via
callbacks. If the server does not support registration of wants callbacks. If the server does not support registration of wants
it MUST NOT return an error to indicate that, and instead MUST it MUST NOT return an error to indicate that, and instead MUST
return ond_why set to WND4_CONTENTION or WND4_RESOURCE and return with ond_why set to WND4_CONTENTION or WND4_RESOURCE and
ond_server_will_push_deleg or ond_server_will_signal_avail set to ond_server_will_push_deleg or ond_server_will_signal_avail set to
FALSE. When the server indicates that it will notify the client FALSE. When the server indicates that it will notify the client
by means of a callback, it will either provide the delegation by means of a callback, it will either provide the delegation
using a CB_PUSH_DELEG operation, or cancel its promise by sending using a CB_PUSH_DELEG operation, or cancel its promise by sending
o cancel a want for a delegation. o Cancel a want for a delegation.
OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WRITE in wda_want. If it does, the server MUST OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WRITE in wda_want. If it does, the server MUST
ignore them. ignore them.
The meanings of the following flags in wda_want are the same as they The meanings of the following flags in wda_want are the same as they
are in OPEN: are in OPEN:
skipping to change at page 540, line 51 skipping to change at page 543, line 4
The handling of the above flags in WANT_DELEGATION is the same as in The handling of the above flags in WANT_DELEGATION is the same as in
OPEN. Information about the delegation and/or the promises the OPEN. Information about the delegation and/or the promises the
server is making regarding future callbacks are the same as those server is making regarding future callbacks are the same as those
described in the open_delegation4 structure. described in the open_delegation4 structure.
The successful results of WANT_DELEG are of type open_delegation4 The successful results of WANT_DELEG are of type open_delegation4
which is the same type as the "delegation" field in the results of which is the same type as the "delegation" field in the results of
the OPEN operation. (See Section 18.16.3). The server constructs the OPEN operation (see Section 18.16.3). The server constructs
wdr_resok4 the same way it constructs OPEN's "delegation" with one wdr_resok4 the same way it constructs OPEN's "delegation" with one
difference: WANT_DELEGATION MUST NOT return a delegation type of difference: WANT_DELEGATION MUST NOT return a delegation type of
If (wda_want & OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WANT_DELEG_MASK) is zero then the If (wda_want & OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WANT_DELEG_MASK) is zero then the
client is indicating no desire for a delegation and the server MUST client is indicating no desire for a delegation and the server MUST
The client uses the OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WANT_NO_DELEG flag in the The client uses the OPEN4_SHARE_ACCESS_WANT_NO_DELEG flag in the
WANT_DELEGATION operation to cancel a previously requested want for a WANT_DELEGATION operation to cancel a previously requested want for a
skipping to change at page 542, line 25 skipping to change at page 544, line 26
18.50.2. RESULT 18.50.2. RESULT
nfsstat4 dcr_status; nfsstat4 dcr_status;
}; };
The DESTROY_CLIENTID operation destroys the client ID. If there are The DESTROY_CLIENTID operation destroys the client ID. If there are
sessions (both idle and non-idle), opens, locks, delegations, sessions (both idle and non-idle), opens, locks, delegations,
layouts, and wants (Section 18.49) associated with the unexpired layouts, and/or wants (Section 18.49) associated with the unexpired
lease of the client ID the server MUST return NFS4ERR_CLIENTID_BUSY. lease of the client ID, the server MUST return NFS4ERR_CLIENTID_BUSY.
DESTROY_CLIENTID MAY be preceded with a SEQUENCE operation as long as DESTROY_CLIENTID MAY be preceded with a SEQUENCE operation as long as
the client ID derived from the sessionid of SEQUENCE is not the same the client ID derived from the sessionid of SEQUENCE is not the same
as the client ID to be destroyed. If the client IDs are the same, as the client ID to be destroyed. If the client IDs are the same,
then the server MUST return NFS4ERR_CLIENTID_BUSY. then the server MUST return NFS4ERR_CLIENTID_BUSY.
If DESTROY_CLIENTID is not prefixed by SEQUENCE, it MUST be the only If DESTROY_CLIENTID is not prefixed by SEQUENCE, it MUST be the only
operation in the COMPOUND request (otherwise the server MUST return operation in the COMPOUND request (otherwise the server MUST return
NFS4ERR_NOT_ONLY_OP). If the operation is sent without a SEQUENCE NFS4ERR_NOT_ONLY_OP). If the operation is sent without a SEQUENCE
preceding it, a client that retransmits the request may receive an preceding it, a client that retransmits the request may receive an
error in response, because the original request might have been error in response, because the original request might have been
skipping to change at page 543, line 40 skipping to change at page 545, line 44
o When rca_one_fs is FALSE, a global RECLAIM_COMPLETE is being done. o When rca_one_fs is FALSE, a global RECLAIM_COMPLETE is being done.
This indicates that recovery of all locks that the client held on This indicates that recovery of all locks that the client held on
the previous server instance have been completed. the previous server instance have been completed.
o When rca_one_fs is TRUE, a file system-specific RECLAIM_COMPLETE o When rca_one_fs is TRUE, a file system-specific RECLAIM_COMPLETE
is being done. This indicates that recovery of locks for a single is being done. This indicates that recovery of locks for a single
fs (the one designated by the current filehandle) due to a file fs (the one designated by the current filehandle) due to a file
system transition have been completed. Presence of a current system transition have been completed. Presence of a current
filehandle is only required when rca_one_fs is true. filehandle is only required when rca_one_fs is set to TRUE.
Once a RECLAIM_COMPLETE is done, there can be no further reclaim Once a RECLAIM_COMPLETE is done, there can be no further reclaim
operations for locks whose scope is defined as having completed operations for locks whose scope is defined as having completed
recovery. Once the client sends RECLAIM_COMPLETE, the server will recovery. Once the client sends RECLAIM_COMPLETE, the server will
not allow the client to do subsequent reclaims of locking state for not allow the client to do subsequent reclaims of locking state for
that scope and will return NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE, if these are attempted. that scope and if these are attempted, will return NFS4ERR_NO_GRACE.
Whenever a client establishes a new client ID and before it does the Whenever a client establishes a new client ID and before it does the
first non-reclaim operation that obtains a lock, it MUST do a global first non-reclaim operation that obtains a lock, it MUST do a global
RECLAIM_COMPLETE, even if there are no locks to reclaim. If non- RECLAIM_COMPLETE, even if there are no locks to reclaim. If non-
reclaim locking operations are done before the RECLAIM_COMPLETE, a reclaim locking operations are done before the RECLAIM_COMPLETE, a
NFS4ERR_GRACE will be returned. NFS4ERR_GRACE error will be returned.
Similarly, when the client accesses a file system on a new server, Similarly, when the client accesses a file system on a new server,
before it sends the first non-reclaim operation that obtains a lock before it sends the first non-reclaim operation that obtains a lock
on this new server, it must do a RECLAIM_COMPLETE with rca_one_fs on this new server, it must do a RECLAIM_COMPLETE with rca_one_fs set
true and current filehandle within that file system, even if there to TRUE and current filehandle within that file system, even if there
are no locks to reclaim. If non-reclaim locking operations are done are no locks to reclaim. If non-reclaim locking operations are done
on that file system before the RECLAIM_COMPLETE, a NFS4ERR_GRACE will on that file system before the RECLAIM_COMPLETE, a NFS4ERR_GRACE will
be returned. be returned.
Any locks not reclaimed at the point at which RECLAIM_COMPLETE is Any locks not reclaimed at the point at which RECLAIM_COMPLETE is
done become non-reclaimable. The client MUST NOT attempt to reclaim done become non-reclaimable. The client MUST NOT attempt to reclaim
them, either during the current server instance or in any subsequent them, either during the current server instance or in any subsequent
server instance, or on another server to which responsibility for server instance, or on another server to which responsibility for
that file system is transferred. If the client were to do so, it that file system is transferred. If the client were to do so, it
would be violating the protocol by representing itself as owning would be violating the protocol by representing itself as owning
locks that it does not own, and so has no right to reclaim. See locks that it does not own, and so has no right to reclaim. See
Section 8.4.3 for a discussion of edge conditions related to lock Section 8.4.3 for a discussion of edge conditions related to lock
reclaim. reclaim.
Once the client has done a RECLAIM_COMPLETE, it indicates readiness By sending a RECLAIM_COMPLETE, the client indicates readiness to
to proceed to do normal non-reclaim locking operations. The client proceed to do normal non-reclaim locking operations. The client
should be aware that such operations may temporarily result in should be aware that such operations may temporarily result in
NFS4ERR_GRACE errors until the server is ready to terminate its grace NFS4ERR_GRACE errors until the server is ready to terminate its grace
period. period.
Servers will typically use the information as to when reclaim Servers will typically use the information as to when reclaim
activity is complete to reduce the length of the grace period. When activity is complete to reduce the length of the grace period. When
the server maintains a list of clients that may have locks in the server maintains in persistent storage a list of clients that
persistent storage, it is in a position to use the fact that all such might have had locks, it is in a position to use the fact that all
clients have done a RECLAIM_COMPLETE to terminate the grace period such clients have done a RECLAIM_COMPLETE to terminate the grace
and begin normal operations (i.e. grant requests for new locks) period and begin normal operations (i.e. grant requests for new
sooner than it might otherwise. locks) sooner than it might otherwise.
Latency can be minimized by doing a RECLAIM_COMPLETE as part of the Latency can be minimized by doing a RECLAIM_COMPLETE as part of the
COMPOUND request in which the last lock-reclaiming operation is done. COMPOUND request in which the last lock-reclaiming operation is done.
When there are no reclaims to be done, RECLAIM_COMPLETE should be When there are no reclaims to be done, RECLAIM_COMPLETE should be
done immediately in order to allow the grace period to end as soon as done immediately in order to allow the grace period to end as soon as
possible. possible.
RECLAIM_COMPLETE should only be done once for each server instance, RECLAIM_COMPLETE should only be done once for each server instance,
or occasion of the transition of a file system. If it is done a or occasion of the transition of a file system. If it is done a
second time, an NFS4ERR_COMPLETE_ALREADY will result. Note that second time, the error NFS4ERR_COMPLETE_ALREADY will result. Note
because of the session feature's retry protection, retries of that because of the session feature's retry protection, retries of
COMPOUND requests containing RECLAIM_COMPLETE operation will not COMPOUND requests containing RECLAIM_COMPLETE operation will not
result in this error. result in this error.
When a RECLAIM_COMPLETE is done, the client effectively acknowledges When a RECLAIM_COMPLETE is done, the client effectively acknowledges
any locks not yet reclaimed as lost. This allows the server to again any locks not yet reclaimed as lost. This allows the server to again
mark this client as able to subsequently recover locks if it had been mark this client as able to subsequently recover locks if it had been
prevented from doing so, be by logic to prevent the occurrence of prevented from doing so, be by logic to prevent the occurrence of
edge conditions, as described in Section 8.4.3. edge conditions, as described in Section 8.4.3.
18.52. Operation 10044: ILLEGAL - Illegal operation 18.52. Operation 10044: ILLEGAL - Illegal operation
skipping to change at page 572, line 24 skipping to change at page 574, line 24
* CB_ILLEGAL: Response for illegal operation numbers * CB_ILLEGAL: Response for illegal operation numbers
*/ */
struct CB_ILLEGAL4res { struct CB_ILLEGAL4res {
nfsstat4 status; nfsstat4 status;
}; };
This operation is a placeholder for encoding a result to handle the This operation is a placeholder for encoding a result to handle the
case of the client sending an operation code within COMPOUND that is case of the client sending an operation code within COMPOUND that is
not supported. See the COMPOUND procedure description for more not defined in the NFSv4.1 specification. See Section 16.2.3 for
details. more details.
The status field of CB_ILLEGAL4res MUST be set to NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL. The status field of CB_ILLEGAL4res MUST be set to NFS4ERR_OP_ILLEGAL.
A server will probably not send an operation with code OP_CB_ILLEGAL A server will probably not send an operation with code OP_CB_ILLEGAL
but if it does, the response will be CB_ILLEGAL4res just as it would but if it does, the response will be CB_ILLEGAL4res just as it would
be with any other invalid operation code. Note that if the client be with any other invalid operation code. Note that if the client
gets an illegal operation code that is not OP_ILLEGAL, and if the gets an illegal operation code that is not OP_ILLEGAL, and if the
client checks for legal operation codes during the XDR decode phase, client checks for legal operation codes during the XDR decode phase,
 End of changes. 135 change blocks. 
442 lines changed or deleted 537 lines changed or added

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